More centres, more convenors

More centres, more convenors

More centres, more convenors. he Engineering Agricultural Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET) has been further streamlined this year with the addition of more centres and appointment of four additional convenors.

4.27 lakh students expected to apply

Hyderabad: The Engineering Agricultural Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET) has been further streamlined this year with the addition of more centres and appointment of four additional convenors. Till now, only Professor NV Ramana Rao, Registrar of JNTU Hyderabad, has been handling the key exam for the past five years or so. Now, though he will be at the helm of affairs, the allocation of work was decentralised and the other four convenors Dr Anjaneya Prasad, Prof essor Eeswara Prasad, Prof essor Madhavi Latha and one more senior faculty of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University-Hyderabad (JNTU-H) were delegated some important duties.

The number of centres too will be increased this year. Last year, the exam was held in 735 centres and it is likely that the figure may cross 760 this year since the number of applicants, which was 3,96, 141 in 2013 may go up to 4,26 927 in 2014. EAMCET authorities expecting that there will be a rise in number of students opting for medicine this year since engineering study has been losing its sheen.

Two challenges the authorities anticipate in conducting the exam would be the date, timing and peaceful atmosphere. The exam would be held on May 17 which is Saturday. Last year too, it was conducted on Saturday, which was a working day resulting heavy trouble for students to reach the centres. Hundreds of complaints were lodged at Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) from Hyderabad itself that they were unable to reach the centre because of traffic jams.

Moreover, the timing of start of the exam would be 10 am which is going to be a peak hour for people going to work. There would not be any special arrangements for aspirants either although RTC, in the name of special buses, run a few buses from selected points, which will be of no use.

The date is also inconvenient since it is certainly going to clash with the date of general elections. The authorities have already announced that if there is any clash, the date will be altered.

The state bifurcation issue is another factor that can hinder the smooth conduct of the EAMCET. Divided or undivided, the tense atmosphere, agitations would cast a shadow over the exam, authorities have been anticipating. Hundreds of students have already made up their mind to go out of the state to join in institutions like SRM, Shastra, Amrita and many others due to the social turbulence.

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