Pet away your exam blues

Pet away your exam blues

Pet away your exam blues. The cutest member of the family, most innocent of all yet the most intelligent, pets are a part of our life. For most pet owners, the day begins and ends with cuddling them, feeding them and playing with them.

The cutest member of the family, most innocent of all yet the most intelligent, pets are a part of our life. For most pet owners, the day begins and ends with cuddling them, feeding them and playing with them. They guard the house, shoo away the rats and also help you score more marks…yes, you read it right. Talking to the student pet owners we got to know why.

Preeti got Shaalu, a female Labrador, when she was worried that she would fail in Class X exam. The thought of writing the exam in a new college where an unknown teacher would come as an invigilator scared her most. Playing with her pet for ten minutes before she left for her exam really helped her unwind and get ready for the exam. She managed to pass Class X in first division and she gives Shaalu some credit for it.
Like Preeti, Amit also took the help of his pet, Bhaalu to de-stress himself during exams. Though Bhaalu was his birthday gift to his mom, Amit says that he brought it home so that whenever he missed a sibling as the only child, he could share his feelings with his pet. “I treat Bhaalu as my sibling and share everything with him, like I would with my own brother,” he says.
“When I used do a night-out during exam revision, he used to sleep on the sofa near my study table. I used to play with him during the break. His presence motivated me to stay awake and study instead of falling asleep at midnight. I guess I studied more because of his presence at home which helped me score well,” says Amit.
Sneha Verghese got Amminikutty from an incubator of her laboratory at Koti Women’s College while pursuing her MSc there. “The eggs were brought to college for experiment, but we realised that they are too old. So we decided to let them hatch. After a few days, three chicks came out. I got one home. We used to give her homemade food but she would not get the essential minerals required for her body. I would take her out to feed on insects in the mud. The time I spent with her used to refresh me and helped me concentrate on my lessons. Surprisingly, I scored better when I spent more time with her. She stayed with us for three-and-a-half years. I have got another pet hen and have named her Nano.”
Badugu Sushma who is preparing for competitive exams says her pet Snoopy, a Pomeranian dog, is her secret of success in exams. “Snoopy dislikes it when I study instead of playing with her. She now lets me study peacefully but when I am free she insists that I play with her. The time I spend with her helps me come out of the pressure of scoring well in exam,” she says.
Psychology expert Radkika Acharya says, “There are two ways in which pets can help students during exams. Firstly, during exams, parents expect their child to be dedicated towards their studies. They tend to be very strict. Their love is also restricted. This makes the child nervous. However, the love they receive from a pet is unconditional. It doesn’t pose any terms and conditions while loving you. This makes the child feel lighter and helps them concentrate well when they get back to studies.
Secondly, exercise reduces the stress level and when the child takes his pet for walk, it is a form of exercise. This acts as a distressing agent.”
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