Learn and exist or exit from the scene…a Jelly fish to corporate

Learn and exist or exit from the scene…a Jelly fish to corporate

Learn and exist or exit from the scene…a Jelly fish to corporate A species of jelly fish could really remain deathless or immortal. The scientific name of the immortal jelly fish is Turritopsis nutricula.

A species of jelly fish could really remain deathless or immortal. The scientific name of the immortal jelly fish is Turritopsis nutricula.

The question is how such deathless state is possible to the jelly fish? The corporate people, instead of knowing the actual science, should know definitely the process that helps the jelly fish to remain deathless. The jelly fish undergoes a unique process called ‘transdifferentiation’.

During the above process, the medusa of the jelly fish regress backwards to the polyp stage; the tentacles and the bell are absorbed and then the polyp settles on the sea floor. After which it again starts growing to an adult jelly fish.

It is like the growth of a baby to adult and then to baby and again to an adult. The cycle continues, forever. Immortality with reference to corporate parlance is to ‘remain relevant’ through ‘time, space and continuum’. To remain relevant, one has to acquire knowledge, constantly update and grow continuously. To learn continuously, one needs great agog, openness and passion. It means, one has to ‘grow young’ and should never think or assume or admit senescence.

Most of the corporate leaders have problems in learning newer things. To learn anything new, the ego always poses problems to people. The problem is that the people have to admit that what they have already learned or know is old and has become irrelevant and hence needs to be updated.

The other problem is that admitting the above fact would compel them to necessarily learn along with the younger generations. Learn and then exist or exit from the scene.

In such quixotic state, the senior people in corporate often resists learning and would make the juniors/subordinates to accept the knowledge of the bosses to be time tested, relevant throughout and always remain contemporary and useful.

The younger generation would find it hard to accept such nonsense however remain silent due to compulsion. Only the organization suffers the worst due to the above. Look at the immortal jelly fish - Turritopsis nutricula. It remains immortal by growing back to its young age and then grows.

Whenever it grows to adulthood, it again grows to its young age by loosing all characteristics of the adult jelly fish. Similarly, the corporate leaders should shun their ego and arrogance that ‘they are the boss’. Must updates constantly with the latest information that are required for the organization. That is the only way they can make themselves relevant to the context.

Many corporate fail to grow despite having talented people because the leaders/seniors/bosses never give freedom to their juniors and subordinates to experiment their learning. Most of the seniors never want to learn things that are new and are essential to the organization.

Further, the younger generation that possesses such learning also these leaders never wants to use due to the fear of ‘insecurity’. Learn to be like the immortal jelly fish. Grow young and acquire knowledge continuously and be successful and remain deathless. What more the nature can offer to the corporate than the best example and the best management message?
By S Ranganathan
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