Reward those who contribute and remove those, not- Honey bee to corporate

Reward those who contribute and remove those, not- Honey bee to   corporate

Reward those who contribute and remove those, not- Honey bee to corporate The life span of queen bee is always longer than the life span of worker bees in any beehive. The worker bees are also female bees but the only difference is that they are sterile or incapable of reproduction. The queen bee is sexually fertile and hence they reproduce.

The life span of queen bee is always longer than the life span of worker bees in any beehive. The worker bees are also female bees but the only difference is that they are sterile or incapable of reproduction. The queen bee is sexually fertile and hence they reproduce.

Every bee hive will have a single queen and thousands of workers.The life span of worker bees is limited to months whereas the queen bee lives for up to 5 years and sometime more.

Indeed the life span of worker bees and queen bee sends out an important management message to the corporate leaders.Nature rewards only those who produce results and otherwise nature would limit service of those who produce less result, as short as possible.

Otherwise the organization will have to suffer from population explosion due to non performers.Look at the beauty of nature. It allows the queen bee to have her hive with large number of worker bees to support her eggs, nurse the young ones and bring nectar etc. Once the new set of worker bees emerge, the older ones disappear from the scene. The saga continues as long as the queen bee exhibits her capability to reproduce.

On the other hand, the male (drones) bees when their designated purpose of mating is completed also would die. The social organization and hierarchy of bees are based only on the law of ‘business’ & ‘result’ and nothing else. Every one has a role and besides one performing the allotted role also has to keep the relevance of the above role live and vibrant. It is not just how well one perform the role, but at the same time, how one keep the relevance of the role also should determine ones existence in the organization.

Once the relevance is lost, however well one would have performed in the past should not be given importance. Decision has to be taken immediately. This is the message, the bee hive and the life span of different bees like queen, workers and drones in a bee hive conveys to the modern corporate. People have to be result oriented.
The reward should be to the result and effort must lead one to achieve the result. This management principle, the people in corporate must understand. The leaders while adjudicate the above rule also must introspect whether they hold such relevance and produce results for the corporate.

The queen bee disappears from the scene the moment she became incapable of producing eggs and reproduce. Unfortunately, most corporate never do such ‘effort-result-reward’ evaluation of different people. Besides effort, nature has followed only the law of ‘reward is directly proportional to the result’. Nature has set the cycle of ‘result-reward’ in an autopilot mode in the life of many species of animals.

By S Ranganathan
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