Being your own boss!

Being your own boss!

There is nothing better than waking up in the morning with the knowledge that there is nobody breathing down your neck and that you don’t have to report to anyone. Being your own boss is a blessing. That said, it is only for a few. The freedom to be your own boss comes with riders and some big ones at that. Take a look below to see whether you have got what it takes

There is nothing better than waking up in the morning with the knowledge that there is nobody breathing down your neck and that you don’t have to report to anyone. Being your own boss is a blessing. That said, it is only for a few. The freedom to be your own boss comes with riders and some big ones at that. Take a look below to see whether you have got what it takes

Do you take failure in your stride?

Fear of failure keeps most of us from trying out new things. And this fear is not exactly going to make it a cake walk for you to quit your cozy job and start your own business. As we grow older, we are lesser willing to deal with failure. Falling head first can not only be painful but also embarrassing. This fear keeps most of us from walking out of those cubicles to pursue our dreams. But if you are one of those who falls everytime only to rise higher, you are meant to be your own boss.

Are you afraid to take risks?

Wanting to take risks and actually taking the plunge are two different things. Each year on your life will pile on an additional responsibility onto your shoulders- be it a parent’s health or a new born baby. But if these deter you from treading the rocky road, stay firmly on the banks. You might want to take a rain check or better still go back to your secure job.

Toying with the idea for quite sometime?

No matter what kind of obstacles stand in the way or starting troubles you may have, if you are not able to get the idea of going solo off your mind, then you should consider taking that plunge because that is the only way you will ever know. Also, for those who are not meant to be, the initial obstacles are scary enough. But those hurdles couldn’t stop you from dreaming. You are meant to take that big step.

All you need is a good challenge

The thing with a 9-to-5 job is that after a while you run out of new challenges. Then you quit and take up a new job, run out of challenges there, then take up another one... you get the drift right? Entrepreneurship throws challenges at you every single hour of every single day. If that's the sort of thing that makes you go 'Woo hoo', it is time...!

Are you are disciplined?

Sure, working for yourself means you can choose your work hours. But that doesn't mean you can afford to slack off. When you're not working for an organisation, you have to work twice as hard to stay disciplined because there's no one to do it for you. For a freelancer, being disciplined and organised isn't a choice, it is a necessity.

Do you motivate yourself?

Being employed also means you can get by without being motivated, for a few days, weeks (or if your employer isn't noticing), even a few months! When you're self-employed, you don't have that liberty. Stay demotivated for too long and the money stops almost immediately.

Money isn't necessarily a driving force

Yes, it does make one's life easier. And if you make the right moves, you will most likely be minting moolah. Yet most people who quit their day jobs to follow their passions do it for just that one reason -- to follow their passion. Starting out on your own isn't often driven by the motivation to make money. In fact, you need the financial security during the initial years of your entrepreneurship.

Do you dread Mondays?

Everyone suffers the Monday blues. If you've been wishing to be in your own office on Monday mornings for one month too many, take it as a sign.

Have a work ethic you are proud of?

If you're the kinds who doesn't mind putting in long hours, likes to help out colleagues, is warm and considerate but also fair, why wouldn't you put it to use for something that you are enthusiastic about rather than for someone else's company?

Have you had enough already?

Office politics, gossip, irritating colleagues, bosses who are slave drivers... and oh, did we mention that measly salary? Then, of course, if you live in a big city like Mumbai or Bengaluru, there is also that killer commute to consider. If you can stand all of these, the job you are in right now is p-e-r-f-e-c-t. If not... you know exactly what you should be doing!

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