How to earn good increment and promotion without performance? Learn from Slow Loris

How to earn good increment and promotion without performance? Learn from Slow Loris

How To Earn Good Increment And Promotion Without Performance? Learn From Slow Loris. Slow Loris can afford to be slow. How they can afford to be slow in the jungle where danger and predators are plenty, the corporate people must know.

Slow Loris can afford to be slow. How they can afford to be slow in the jungle where danger and predators are plenty, the corporate people must know. If the corporate people find an answer to the above question, they have answer to their question of how some people in corporate, without doing any job could still manage good increments, promotion, power, recognition etc.

Slow Loris is a pro-simian animal and is the only poisonous primate known to man. Most of the predatory animals including the python would avoid them due to their poison. This animal is indeed very slow in its locomotion. Since it is poisonous and also its predators know about its poison, the animal enjoys protection. Hence the slow loris can afford to be ‘slow’.

Some people in ‘single man driven’ (private limited companies that are governed directly by the proprietor) smartly earns the goodwill of the top person. Once they have earned such goodwill and got into the close circle of sycophants, they need not do any job. With their influence, they can simply terrorize the people in corporate and no one would ever dare to challenge or question them. When such protection and immunity is there, why such people have to work. They can continuously earn good increments, promotion and all other comforts without lifting even a pin from the floor. They are the ‘Slow Loris’ in corporate. Like how slow loris can afford to be slow, these people can also afford to do nothing and still can enjoy the best comfort in corporate as they are liked and preferred by the owner of the company.

Look at the beauty of nature. Even the simple behaviour of slow loris has a profound management message for the corporate. If the management wisdom of nature and its creations are well understood, the corporate life becomes simple and successful. Some people in corporate may enjoy some extra or unconstitutional privileges. Due to such privileges, they can remain different, indifferent, irritating or supportive. If one understands the ‘extra-privileges’ of some people in corporate, the doubt of why they are different would never arise or become a problem.

Asking the question or doubt of why some people without doing any job enjoy all comfort in corporate is not bad. But never allow such question to bother & affect you and never blame your poor fate or destiny. Console your mind with the management of truth of the nature that a slow loris can afford to be slow in jungle despite having plenty of predators and enemies.

If one ever wish to ask such question or seek its right or merit, better try to be a slow loris in your corporate. Answer to certain questions in corporate is possible not by finding an answer but by one become the answer.

Dr S Ranganathan, ClinRise Derma Pvt., Ltd., Chennai

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