A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush and your career success

A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush and your career success

A Bird In The Hand Is Better Than Two In The Bush And Your Career Success. A bird in the hand worth better than two in the bush, how true is the above phrase if one introspect the same from the corporate angle/perspective? The belief on the above ‘phrase’ only, holding and binding many talented employees from taking several firm decisions in their life.

A bird in the hand worth better than two in the bush, how true is the above phrase if one introspect the same from the corporate angle/perspective? The belief on the above ‘phrase’ only, holding and binding many talented employees from taking several firm decisions in their life. They never ever dare to search what is there in the bush when they one is there in the hand.

The search in the bush needs not start after loosing the bird in the hand nor with a belief that what is there in the bush may not be worthier than the bird in the hand.

The curiosity to see what is there only makes man to win. Unfortunately many corporate employees behave the same way as most animals do. When a hunt is found, all the predators revolve around the kill to have their share. If they move away from the kill, they can efficiently hunt another prey and can eat peacefully.

When a pride of lions while eating a kill, other predatory animals like fox, jackal, hyena, wild dog etc., can hunt some other animals peacefully and also can eat the same without the fear of lions snatching their kill. But these animals ever appear to think that way. The story is same for herbivores also. They also love to move as herd in general and when they are in a herd will easily get noticed by their predators.

Most animals love to fight for a small loaf of the bread and remain half filled and that is how they love to live their life.

Most corporate employees are no way different from many species of animals in the jungle. They never allow or entertain a possibility of finding a better career outside their corporate. Largely, because they believe that the life in other corporate will be no way better than the organization they work. They usually love to ‘demean’ and ‘belittle’ all their merits, talents and capabilities and love to be in the same organization.

Both, animals in the jungle and most of the corporate people may be thinking that a ‘prey’ in the sight is better than going for a new hunt. The fear or lack of effort and self belief coupled with the hope of getting some left over from the hunt of other animals most corporate people never dare to take brave decisions and adventure their capabilities.

A pack of hyena or fox or wolf always moves around a kill. Perhaps the lions would have killed the prey. These smaller predators hope that ones the lions finished its meal; they can eat and settle with the left over portion of the kill. When there is no kill in the sight, these smaller predatory animals may go for hunt. As the hunger instinct would trigger their hunting instinct.

It is for the corporate man to ponder upon and understand whether he behaves like animals in the jungle or not. Achievements become easier through ones own capabilities and talents than expecting a share from others hard work. Animals in the jungle have a reason to behave so. They have limited resources. But for the corporate man, opportunities are unlimited provided they believe in the self.

Believe that a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush can go fooling with reference to your talents.

Dr S Rangnathan, ClinRise Derma Pvt., Ltd.

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