Stupidity, gift of evolution – HR message

Stupidity, gift of evolution – HR message

Do adaptation and evolution ever fail? Adaptation and evolution are happening in different species of plants and animals on earth only to enhance the successful survival of these species. Since the basic tenet of evolution and adaptation are only for supporting different life forms, they cannot go wrong or fail will be the larger assumption or the answer one would easily arrive at.

Do adaptation and evolution ever fail? Adaptation and evolution are happening in different species of plants and animals on earth only to enhance the successful survival of these species. Since the basic tenet of evolution and adaptation are only for supporting different life forms, they cannot go wrong or fail will be the larger assumption or the answer one would easily arrive at.

Instead of defining adaptation and evolution are either for failure or success, one must see only the subtle management message that can be drawn from the above.

The carnivores’ plants indeed survive by predation of various insects and small animals. To trap and eat successfully the insects and other animals, the carnivores plants have evolved with all necessary mechanisms. Besides that, these plants also have vibrantly coloured parts to attract and trap the insects. This is all about the carnivores plants in general and their adaptation to lead a successful life as predators.

If we look at the adaptation of insects in general, the insects are no less than the carnivores plants in their adaptation to lead a very successful life. Insects are the most evolved species of life on earth and have even surpassed the space, time and continuum.

Although the insects have evolved different methods to overcome various adversities and challenges, they have never ever appeared to have perfected their intelligence to sense the danger from the carnivores plants in advance. Or in other words, some level of innocence or foolishness is there with such insects despite their adaptation for success.

Imagine, if the insects have developed such intelligence, the entire community of carnivores plants would vanish. The same nature only has created both the carnivores plants and the insects.

The same nature only has favoured both the species. Adaptation and evolution, however advantageous it may be to species, but it is indeed partial, incomplete and may be prejudiced from the equation of prey-predator relationship.

Because of the above reason only, the insects repeatedly get fooled by the attractive colour of various carnivores plants and get killed. Is nature partial to the carnivores plants than to the insects?

Every life form and every individual carry some level of stupidity with them. If the same stupidity is getting expressed in someone repeatedly, accept it as part of the total existence.

Instead of attempting see it as weakness, learn to see the ‘wise’ qualities in them and move forward. All most all people in every corporate do carry some level of stupidity with them.

Those stupidities may also get expressed repeatedly. When you see people with such qualities, never blame them, curse them or attempt to correct them, accept them fully. Such defects are nothing but part of ones fullness and gift of imperfect evolution.

Nature has given completeness and fullness to each and every species at the species level. On comparison, one species may be weaker or less intelligent than the other. That is how the fabric of the nature is woven. This essential truth one has to accept.

Corporate needs to measure the intelligence of different employees at individual level and not at the comparative manner.

Similarly, the level of stupidity is also individual specific. Another important management insight also one needs to get from the above. Adaptation and evolution are different from intelligence.

Nature has favoured all species of life to adapt and evolve in the best possible way to suite to their respective ecosystem. But developing intelligence and smartness, every one needs to work hard. Having evolved without intelligence is as good as dead.

The people who generally work for many years in the same organization are generally well adapted and evolved to the needs of the respective corporate. But definitely most of them will no be intelligent with reference to diverse understanding and experience.

Their contributions can only help to retain the statuesque. Nature, while gifting certain unique qualities and abilities to different life forms, also expect them to develop further. If they fail to do so, they will have to pay the price. That is what some insects are to the predatory plants.

Dr S Ranganathan
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