Why Shark loses her hunger–A corporate leadership message

Why Shark loses her hunger–A corporate leadership message

Female shark loses her appetite well before she delivers her pups. Reason for the above, the corporate leaders must know in order to keep the corporate ecosystem well balanced with no threat due to the boss-subordinate conflicts.

Female shark loses her appetite well before she delivers her pups. Reason for the above, the corporate leaders must know in order to keep the corporate ecosystem well balanced with no threat due to the boss-subordinate conflicts.

The biological reason for why the female shark loses her appetite before delivery is only to prevent infanticide or the pups being eaten by the mother due to hunger. It is well known that many animals do eat their young ones post delivery, due to hunger.

Once the female shark loses her hunger and appetite, the pups are safe as they will not succumb to infanticide. This is the best management trick the nature has used to deal the problem of infanticide among sharks.

During performance appraisal period, most people in the corporate will be moving from pillar to post to ‘show case’ what they have done in the corporate is the best performance anyone can make on earth. Everybody becomes greedy to snatch the attention and recognition of the top brass in the corporate. This problem is very conspicuous in single man owned corporate.

Boss-subordinate conflicts become acute during such period. Some bosses would smartly snatch the credits and glory of the work of their subordinates and ‘showcase’ the same to the top brass as, they only have done the work. More often than not, the sincere, naïve and hardworking subordinates fall victim to such ‘third rate’ politics of
some bosses.

Only during performance appraisal time, such politics become acute, dominant and evident as everyone wants to get appraised well and only then the next level of benefits they could get.

The greed and appetite due to expectation do increase in people in corporate especially during performance appraisal period. This greed of some bosses only affects the corporate culture, its serenity and harmony. The HR function and the corporate leaders must remember how insightful the nature is in bringing down the appetite of female
sharks before she delivers her pups.

The corporate leaders and the HR must see how they can deal the greed of the bosses that in turn would kill the curiosity, hope and creativity of the subordinates in the corporate.

To bring care and responsibility only, the nature has affected the appetite of the female shark. The same approach the corporate also must employ. Only the total and complete performance of all subordinates should be taken as an index of the best performance of the bosses. Only by brining such a stricture strictly, ‘fence eating the crop’ phenomena can be prevented.

If the wisdom of nature ever enters the corporate, the scope for such ‘third rate politics’ in the corporate can be easily destroyed/eliminated.

Every creation and every action in nature has a strong management message for the corporate. The corporate and its HR must not only be sensitive but must also be receptive.

Dr S Ranganathan
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