Who builds the bee hive and who brings honey? Corporate leadership message

Who builds the bee hive and who brings honey? Corporate leadership message

Bee hive is made only by the worker bees and not by the queen bee. This important message all the entrepreneurs and the top bosses in the corporate must keep in mind while running/managing the organization. This cardinal management message, indeed the HR function also should memorize. No queen can run the show without worker bees. Another important thing one must know is that only the worker bees gather and store so much of honey in the hive.

Bee hive is made only by the worker bees and not by the queen bee. This important message all the entrepreneurs and the top bosses in the corporate must keep in mind while running/managing the organization. This cardinal management message, indeed the HR function also should memorize. No queen can run the show without worker bees. Another important thing one must know is that only the worker bees gather and store so much of honey in the hive.

Is the quantity of honey stored in the hive is directly proportional to the number of bees or bees differ in their ability to gather nectar and convert them to honey? Or the availability of total number of flowers ready for pollination determines the quantity of honey in the hive?

Number of bees and number of flowers ready for pollination do play a role but, more than the number and availability of the flowers for pollination, the ability of bees in gathering the honey only determine the quantity of the honey in the hive. It is reported that a bee can carry nectar almost equal to or just above than its body weight. Every worker bee try to carry more than what they could and that is how the honey reserve in the hive increases. Only when such high performing bees are there in the hive, the quantity of honey can be expected to be high in the hive.

Just by having large number of bees does not influence the quantity of honey present in the hive but only the bees with supreme capability that make the hive rich with honey.

The corporate HR must get their learning from the word of honey bees. Have people with high capability and result orientation. Only such employees alone can decide and determines the future of the organization. This insight should be well conceived and understood by all the corporate leaders. When they play the role of a queen, they should remember that queen never gather and bring honey and nor do they significantly play a role in building the hive. Of course they facilitate, inspire and create the purpose and meaning for all other bees in the hive.

Most functional heads in the corporate would try to fill the vacancies with substandard and average people just to send a message to the top management that they are very quick to address the issue of attrition. They may succeed well in convincing the top management that they are very quick to replace and refill the vacancies created due to people resigning. But such an effort would never offer success or growth to the organization.

But most corporate never analyze the recruitment process strictly to see whether the right candidates are only selected and appointed. Unfortunately, most corporate go by the logic that the HR and the respective functional heads have immediately identified the candidates and filled the vacancies. They go by the philosophy that the performances of the candidate cannot be linked to the intent or capability of the functional heads and HR function.

The point of discussion is not about whom to be blamed in the corporate but who should to made accountable and responsible for the result.

Understand the important dimension of having right people for the job. Only when you have right people, and people who can take up lot of responsibilities, can make the difference. If such talents are not hired, corporate cannot achieve any result. Also understand that the queen never works and the worker bees are only making the difference. The worker bees only ensure the survival of the future clan of the bees.

It is not the queen gives you the honey but only the workers who toil for the honey that you enjoy. Learn the essentials of having people who can stretch beyond the brief and can contribute more for the success of the corporate.

Respect the management insight of honey bees and respect people and this should be the beginning point, both to the top boss and to the HR function.

Dr S Ranganathan
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