Who made your success…a HR message?

Who made your success…a HR message?

Are you putting ‘passive’ or ‘active’ effort for your success in career? How the effort can be passive or active as it is always ‘active’ in nature?

Are you putting ‘passive’ or ‘active’ effort for your success in career? How the effort can be passive or active as it is always ‘active’ in nature?

Does the result differ greatly if the ‘efforts’ were of different nature viz., ‘passive effort or active effort’. If the result doesn’t really change or differ due to either passive or active effort, why then one should worry or think about different types of efforts?

The interesting point is that many in corporate may not even be aware of the terms such as

a) Passive effort
b) Active effort

Only when they understand the difference, they can understand and recognize which kind of effort they are employing and which is good. This understanding is inevitable for the corporate people and corporate bosses as they seldom know how they have achieved success in most instances. But they never fail to claim/grab their stake or role in such successes.

Loot at the forest ecosystem pragmatically and biologically and understand the deep rooted meaning of the words ‘passive effort and active effort’. The entire plant community is formed in any habitat is only through seed dispersal (exceptions are not included). Variety of animals play significant role in seed dispersal in every ecosystem. Besides that many other agents like wind, water etc., does play an important role in seed dispersal.

In the process of seed dispersal, there is a perfect –give and take philosophy, both the animals and plants follow and share such business deal between them. But neither of the animals who disperse the seeds of many plants are doing such job actively. It is indeed a passive event. Neither the plants have ever used the animals actively to do the job of seed dispersal, nor are the animals doing the same ‘actively’. Although no active effort is involved, but still a great forest cover has formed in many parts of the world due to passive seed dispersal of various animals.

The message to be drawn is that the success or outcome of passive effort cannot stand before a competition. To resist any competition, some ‘active efforts’ are needed. In passive success, no such efforts are there.

Many entrepreneurs enjoy their success achieved mostly by means of ‘passive effort’. They later believe that the ‘passive’ effort to be as ‘active’ effort. When competition challenges them they continue to put ‘passive effort’ with a hope of success. At the end, they reap failure and live rest of their life just to sing the song of their past glory, saga and legacy in business success.

This is true with most employees and bosses in most corporate as well. Do not be idiotic in asking a question as how trees can employ animals to actively do the job of seed dispersal. The above example is used only to describe the difference between passive and active efforts.

Be a conscious and conscientious contributor and creator of your success & destiny and never allow it to happen by means of your passive approval and effort, which means no effort and only the luck that has favoured you. You may be successful by ‘luck’, but it will never help to face the challenges. Dr S Ranganathan

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