Hunter man always looks for weaker ones…a HR message

Hunter man always looks for weaker ones…a HR message

The pre historic man was called as hunter gatherers. The modern man and essentially the ‘corporate man’ too have evolved only the hunter gatherers. The pre historic man has an important message for all the employees in the corporate world to learn, so that it will clarify many of their doubts and concerns about their destiny/plight in the corporate world.

The pre historic man was called as hunter gatherers. The modern man and essentially the ‘corporate man’ too have evolved only the hunter gatherers. The pre historic man has an important message for all the employees in the corporate world to learn, so that it will clarify many of their doubts and concerns about their destiny/plight in the corporate world.

The pre historic man indeed, was leading the life by hunting and getting hunted. When he was a hunter, wandering in the forest, always looked for animals that are ‘weaker’ than him to hunt and eat. If he found any animal that is more powerful than him, he has developed different ways and means to surpass their strength and weakened them. That is how the modern man had evolved.

Although ‘be more powerful than all’ was the inner force that kindled the evolution of the modern man from hunter gatherers, to feel he was very powerful, always he used the ‘weaker’ ones to surpass.

If we travel a little deeper than man’s evolution, the same psychology can be seen amongst most animals. Look at the hunting strategy of all predatory animals. Always they look for weaker prey animal to stock. It is always easy to hunt the weaker prey. Since hunting is done for the survival, no animal can afford to loose the prey. Selecting a strong prey just to prove their strength or courage will be definitely an unwise approach. To whom they should prove and at what cost?

All predators are wise and hence like to hunt generally the weaker prey or hunt only after weakening the prey. The story of prey animals in dominating over their weaker counterpart is also well known.

What these examples tell the corporate man? Every boss and every system love to hunt weak people. Always the sufferers or the ‘worst receivers’ are only the weaker people, both in society as well as in the corporate.

Remember, if you think, you are weak and you are specially targeted and attacked by your boss and the peers; learn to accept gracefully that they are not fully at their fault. Attacking or hunting the ‘weak’ was the key behaviour on which the survival and evolution of all life has happened. Hence we need to believe that ‘hunting’ the weak may be a genetically imprinted character and even the corporate man may not have fully free from it.

What the man exhibits or reveals in the corporate is nothing but a trait he may be carrying in his gene inherited from his forefathers. The best way to deal is ‘you be strong’ and appear to people around you that ‘you are very strong’.

The corporate people need to open their inner eyes to see, study and learn several things from nature. If one learn to look at the behaviour of people from the domain of ‘mans’ evolution, forgiving, forgetting and adapting become easy. Introspect, whether you have plenty of ‘hunter gatherers’ in your corporate.

Dr S Ranganathan

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