Why Do Kashmiri students fail to crack interview?

Why Do Kashmiri students fail to crack interview?

Success is ninety percent perspiration and one percent inspiration. We have heard this adage umpteen times but seldom do we give it a pensive pondering. Success comes to us in the most unexpected ways, but not until we have worked doubly hard than what we are actually capable of!

Success is ninety percent perspiration and one percent inspiration. We have heard this adage umpteen times but seldom do we give it a pensive pondering. Success comes to us in the most unexpected ways, but not until we have worked doubly hard than what we are actually capable of!

True sweetness of success is devoured only when we have toiled hard than our counterparts and harnessed our potential when the world was sleeping! I was on a sojourn in Punjab for the last five years but the love of my motherland brought me back home, during my stay I did undergo a transformation of soul and metamorphosed into something bigger and better! During my stay I noticed a sea of change between the students of two states.

Kashmiri students are more inquisitive and talented when it comes to learning, they have a thirst to learn new things which unfortunately I found missing in most of the Punjabis, but, at the same time the thing that lacks in students of this disputed territory is their language.

Most of the students here despite having mountains of talent within them stay in background because of inferiority complex which comes out of lack of communication skills! Right from our nursery, we are taught a bundle of new subjects that impart us a great deal of knowledge, but our basic skills remain unpolished and rough. Every student is not lucky enough being a convent graduate, there are scores of those students who get basic education from government schools, where unfortunately no attention is paid towards the language and speaking skills! The outcome of this is that most of the students develop sharp brains with no language acumen.

There are thousands of students who still pronounce words like “gorement “instead of “government”, caalny instead of colony and “saykis” instead of six! There are hundreds of such examples that silently murder this language, but, I do not blame the student wholly for this mess, the authorities are equally responsible for this. The whole system is flawed! In our society English language gets as much attention as a white crayon, with authorities paying scarce attention for its upliftment.

It should be made mandatory in all schools in all schools to impart communication skills; every higher education institution should have soft skills or language trainers who impart basic skills to students. It is heartening to mention that some of the prestigious universities of our state do not have placement officers or language trainers who would prepare students to crack any placement interview. The government also is in deep slumber and displaying step motherly attitude towards this crisis.

The graph of students placed in top multinational brands is not satisfying enough, it would not be wrong to say that lack of awareness is the root cause of this problem. Besides, the students too need to carve a niche for themselves in this competitive world. They need to learn the basic tactics of how to face a stress interview.

One such thing is the dressing style which plays a pivotal role in handling interviews. A student should work very hard to feed his vocabulary with fresh words everyday so that the rust is rubbed off the brain. One can develop a smart brain by reading more and more.

The teachers who teach management students should make it a point to teach students how to face company interviews. Given the standard of teaching in COLLEGES and schools, it is very difficult to get placed in MNC’S, but then nothing is impossible, with laser focus on our career, we can scale heights and be winners!
Azra Mufti
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