Committed or Conniving Leaders in Corporate - A HR Message from Animal World

Committed or Conniving Leaders in Corporate - A HR Message from Animal World

Leadership is bound to cause insecurity and fear among most people. This essence of the above management message we can find in nature in excess. It is for us to decode them and learn.

Leadership is bound to cause insecurity and fear among most people. This essence of the above management message we can find in nature in excess. It is for us to decode them and learn.

More than the followers or people who love to live in groups, the leaders suffer a lot from the fear of loosing their power, position, authority, identity and respect. But the followers do not have such problem mainly because they neither bother for the leaders or to become leader and hence nothing is there to lose for them. Always they look forward for someone to follow or get listened to.

The leadership induced fear and insecurity among corporate leaders are more due to a sense of ‘undue self importance’ and ‘self worship’. The corporate leaders think too much about themselves and assume that only the position and power has made them to be a leader with great respect. Once the position and power is gone, automatically the respect they enjoy also would cease. The most important thing they never consider is about how they have become a leader?

Only the respectable qualities were the precursors for the power and position offered to them in the corporate. But unfortunately once they become a leader with power and position, they forget to develop or enhance the respectable qualities than engaging in protecting power and position that they enjoy. In many instances, they tend to loose those qualities to remain in power and protect the position. Such race bound to cause undue fear and insecurity among leaders.

Look at the animal world. Never the ‘leader lion’ in a pride or pack of wild dog etc., would fight with own group to remain at the top position. Always they find challengers from outside and hence their preparations will be to deal animals from other pride or pack and protect its identity and group.

Look at a rooster or male love bird; they vocalize the most to display their dominance and hierarchy. The rooster gives wakeup call to alert others in its group. The unfortunate fact is that most of the corporate leaders seldom wake up to the realities in general and instead they often engage in blame game for any serious error due to their leadership qualities.

‘Committed leadership qualities’ can be seen in animal world as against ‘coveted and conniving leadership qualities’ as shown by many corporate leaders. The core value and ethics needs to be developed by people to remain at top without fear and also not causing fear and insecurity in the team by misusing the power and position.

‘Commitment to the team’ is what shown by animals in nature as against ‘commitment to the self’ as seen with many corporate leaders. Understand your leadership qualities and its causes. Enhance the cause and forget the consequences. Result is after all the reward of your meaningful effort.
Dr S Ranganathan
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