Bias in our unbiased selections…a HR message

Bias in our unbiased selections…a HR message

Selecting the ‘best’ is always a big problem in most corporate. Subjectivity and personal likes/preferences dominate in most occasions in our selection process. The personal preferences badly affect the selection of the ‘best’ in most instances. How one should overweigh ones personal likes and reasons while selecting the best, one should learn from nature. Nature has some finest examples to offer to corporate on how to select the best without any bias.

Selecting the ‘best’ is always a big problem in most corporate. Subjectivity and personal likes/preferences dominate in most occasions in our selection process. The personal preferences badly affect the selection of the ‘best’ in most instances. How one should overweigh ones personal likes and reasons while selecting the best, one should learn from nature. Nature has some finest examples to offer to corporate on how to select the best without any bias.

Marriage in the animal world is not based on the astrological agreements of the horoscopes of both partners or through the service of various matrimonial agencies or by one exchanging its love to the other. In animal world, the female animals always choose the partner wisely during the breeding season.

Most animals are seasonal breeders; it means they breed only during a particular season. Hence, all animals know the fact that the breeding season is very precious for procreation and cannot be wasted or missed. Procreation is very important as that is how the future of the clan can be ensured.

Although animals know the above truth, but no animal ever rush to action under any circumstances just to meet the need or procreation or pleasure. All animals know as important procreation, so important is the selection of a right partner.

The female animals patiently wait to identify the potential male to mate her. Unless the best male is identified and certified, she will never allow them even to come near to her.

Sex means pleasure in human world and is not only true to humans but also to all animals. When a female animal is in heat/rut and a male is there to woo her, why she does not simply nod her head and accept any male is around? She delays her pleasure in the name of choosing the best partner. She knows the truth that only the best male could produce the best young ones for the future. It is not her ‘pleasure’ or ‘urge’ but only selecting the best matter a lot to her. Only the best choice of the present offers best result in future as the future is only the extension of present.

Absolutely no subjectivity or personal preferences or personal happiness seems to influence the selection of the best in the animal world but only the ‘is best’ alone qualifies the selection.

How do most corporate bosses select candidates? More often than not, whom they like is declared ‘the best’. Future of the organization or its welfare is least counted by most bosses while selecting a candidate or project or task. What is suited to them, they will choose and would reward what they think is best.

Just look at the approach of female animals during breeding season. Even when the female animal is on heat and a male is around her, sex do not yield to her personal pleasure but give utmost importance to the very purpose of procreation. She goes for selecting the best. She wants to ensure an impartial selection process.

The corporate bosses and HR must learn from nature as how to select the best without any subjectivity. Be an observer first, be a learner next and be honest in your approach is the message nature conveys to corporate. Love nature, be with nature and learn from nature.
S Ranganathan
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