Employment-unemployment scenario in Bangaru Telangana

Employment-unemployment scenario in Bangaru Telangana

In the State, the district has always been the pivot of the structure of administration. District is the most suitable administrative unit for decentralized planning below the state level as it possesses the required heterogeneity and is manageable enough to undertake people in planning and implementation and to improve productivity.

Employment-unemployment Scenario

In the State, the district has always been the pivot of the structure of administration. District is the most suitable administrative unit for decentralized planning below the state level as it possesses the required heterogeneity and is manageable enough to undertake people in planning and implementation and to improve productivity.

With the acceptance of a Welfare State as the objective the emphasis in district administration has come to be placed overwhelmingly on development activities. But due to non-availability of district-level data on many important indicators, the indicators at the State/UT level are used as a proxy for planning & policy purposes at the district level.
For bigger states which have wide diversity across districts in terms of natural endowments, public and private investment and other employment opportunities, the state-level indicators would not be of much use for making state level policies.

The 73rd & 74th Constitutional amendments (1992) have also brought into existence the democratically elected grassroots institutions of local self governance. This has enhanced the demand for local level statistics and necessitated requirement of developing basic capabilities at grass root levels to organize such statistics in a harmonious manner.
In order to meet this need of generating estimates at more disaggregate level particularly at district level, Labour Bureau has offered to many States/UT’s Directorate of Economics & Statistics Departments to generate district level estimates on important parameters relating to Labour Force and its derivatives by covering matching sample along with Labour Bureau Annual Employment Unemployment Survey. This would help the States to make State-level inclusive development policies by using statistics at local level.

District level estimates may go a long way for effective district level planning. Generation of district level estimates viz. Labour Force Participation Rate which is also called as Labour Supply, Worker Population Ratio and Unemployment Rate will help the Government to devise more effective and targeted employment and economic policies. Local needs can be taken care of more effectively and efficiently at the lower levels.

Plans are expected to be more effective because of the homogeneity of the unit. Flow of information/data will be quick and reliable.

In the present Fourth Annual Employment- Unemployment Survey, Labour Bureau agreed to assist the States/UTs of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Puducherry for generating district level estimates on important parameters relating to employment and unemployment. This will no doubt help the State Governments to make state-level inclusive development policies.

Moreover, District Level Estimates will be helpful to aid State and local policymakers, program planners, and community advocates to device sound policies. The district level estimates can also be used for setting priorities, allocating resources and targeting areas where there are lack of employment opportunities. The present report relates to the estimation workforce at district level for the State of Telangana.

The district level estimates have been generated by pooling the central and state sample. In order to generate the district level estimates, the State Government has covered a matching sample along with Labour Bureau Survey during the period January, 2014 to June, 2014 with their own resources.

On the other hand, Labour Bureau has provided all other assistance like selection of sample, training to enumerators and supervisors, supply of blank schedules, scrutiny of data, pooling of central and state sample, generation of tables, drafting of State report etc.

Household Characteristics
Members aged 15 years and above in a household
The second stage stratification under the survey to select the sample households is based on number of members aged 15 years and above in a household. The households studied under the survey have been classified based on the number of members aged 15 years and above in the households. Accordingly, all the households under study are put in four categories as follows:
1) Upto 1 member households
2) 2-3 member households
3) 4-5 member households
4) 6 & above members’ households

Based on the survey results in majority of the households there are 2-3 members aged 15 years and above. The results show that overall about 60 percent of the households fall under the category of 2-3 members aged 15 years and above in a household followed by 28 percent having 4-5 members aged 15 years and above in a household. The results have been compiled district wise for the State of Telangana.

In order to understand the outreach of different Central and State government schemes to the targeted population in Telangana, information was also collected from the households regarding members of the household benefitted from different employment generating schemes during the reference period.
The results show that about 50 percent of households are benefitted from either of the employment guarantee schemes in Telangana. Among the benefitted households, about 48 percent are benefitted from MGNREGA scheme which is implemented only in rural areas.

Distribution of households benefitted from different employment generating schemes for each district. The results show that Nalgonda district ranked first in MGNREGA works as more number of households are reported to be employed under this scheme followed by Nizamabad and Mahbubnagar.
Households by Number of Employed Persons aged 15 years & above
The number of employed persons in a household gives an idea of the economic conditions of the household. The lower the number of employed persons in a household reflects the high dependency ratio and vice versa.Based on the Usual Principal Status Approach, households are categorised according to the number of employed persons aged 15 years and above in the household. For that, all the
households are grouped into five categories as follows:
1. None (of the family member is employed);
2. 1 person employed households;
3. 2 persons employed households;
4. 3 persons employed households;
5. 4 & above employed households.

More than 40 percent of the households are having two persons as employed/earners followed by households with only one employed person (32.4 percent). Overall, households with 3 employed persons constitute 12.4 percent and households with 4 employed persons constitute 10 percent of the households. It is also evident from the table that around 5 percent of the households does not have even single employed person/earner aged 15 years and above.
G.Rajendra Kumar

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