Tips and tricks to enrich English


Learning a language doesnt always necessitate the help and guidance of a teacher. One can learn and develop language skills in a variety of ways. Some learners choose to study on their own with the help of books, audio books, CDs, DVDs, online videos and so on, while others acquire a language by immersion. Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind when learning English through learner autonomy.

Learning a language doesn’t always necessitate the help and guidance of a teacher. One can learn and develop language skills in a variety of ways. Some learners choose to study on their own with the help of books, audio books, CDs, DVDs, online videos and so on, while others acquire a language by immersion. Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind when learning English through learner autonomy.

Try to learn how to use your dictionary. We use a dictionary not only to check how to spell a word and learn its meaning, but also to understand other aspects of the English Language. Moreover, a dictionary usually integrates all the suggestions and words in various contexts and different categories like whether they are verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs and so on.
It is useful to derive meaning from the context. Sometimes it is easier to focus on the context as a whole rather than simply focusing on just one word within an entire story or text. A good idea one can adopt to keep track of new words learnt is to keep a vocabulary diary. This can be like a personal ‘mini dictionary’ where vocabulary is organised either alphabetically or according to the topic.
Learning a new instrument or practising a new sport can be other means of learning and practising a language. It is important to ensure that people practising this activity use English as a communicative language. It is essential to include reading in your language learning; because it can help you understand sentence structure, use of punctuation and above all, help you become more proficient in English.
Listen to Music. This is an enjoyable and relaxing way to practise English. If you are at a café try your best to communicate in English. Perhaps a useful suggestion is to have a native speaker give you important tips and phrases to use and also to come with you to give you feedback and suggestions on whether you made mistakes.
You should keep a look out on who has proficient English language skills and you can suggest planning activities with them, and ask them to correct you if you make any mistakes when communicating in English. They will probably be more than willing to help out!

Small Talk:
Give me a hand!
Krishna: Listen, everyone. I have a short announcement here. We have a new recruit to day. Srilatha, would you like to introduce yourself?
Srilatha: Hello, my name is Srilatha. I graduated from Osmania Uni versity, and I major in Mass Communication.
Parvath: I'm Parvath, the Specialist. Welcome to the Public Relations Department. Dattu My name is Dattu. I graduated from the Osmania as well.
Srilatha: What a coincidence! It's nice to meet you.
Krishna: Starting today, Srilatha will be assisting Parvath with his new project.
Parvath: That's fabulous. I really need someone to give me a hand.
Krishna: Parvath, could you explain to Srilatha about his daily routine first? And then you can proceed with your project.

Give someone a helping hand - To help someone
Example: These taxation cuts will give industry a helping hand.

Know Your Vocabulary:
Choose the closest meaning and tick it.
1. devise
a)imitate b)confuse c)invent
2. sanctuary
a) road side inn b)place of safety c) type of sculpture
3. appreciate
a) rise in value b) decrease in grandness
c) eliminate completely
4. distinction
a) proper dress b) special quality c) loss of property
5. mystify
a) endanger b) burglarize c) bewilder
6. concentrate
a) scatter widely
b) bring together c) mix up
7. delusion
a) overconfidence b) original idea
c) false belief
8. negligent
a) cautious b)careless c) improper
9) slander
a) hand tool b) false report c)court order
10. flawless
a) without fear b) irresponsible c) perfect
1-c; 2-b; 3-a; 4-b; 5-c; 6-b; 7-c; 8-b; 9-b; 10-c

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