Oh my word Antic, Antique, Antiquated, Antiquarian

Oh my word Antic, Antique, Antiquated, Antiquarian

Do you annoy you antiquarian dad with your antics, or showing your collection of antiques? 

Do you annoy you antiquarian dad with your antics, or showing your collection of antiques? Antic is behaviour of someone aimed at amusing other people; absurd or exaggerated movement. Antic is noun but usually in a plural form.

Antic indicates to someone with foolish behaviour; outrageous behaviour; an absurd action performed by someone knowingly or unknowingly, a silly action, characterised by clownish extravagance, absurdity.

Antic is an attention-drawing aspect of person which is wildly playful, funny act, or foolishness; whimsically gay, frolicsome. The derivatives of antic are antics (plural noun), antical(adjective) and antically (adverb).

Note that antical is in reference to botany meaning the twig oriented towards the apex, pertaining to the surface of a prostate thallus (a green shoot) – oriented away from the substrate. In this sense, its opposite is postical.

The difference between monkeys and humans is: monkeys’ antics are visible. Clown’s role is to perform antics.

Antic is pronounced as ‘an-tik’
Antic is derived from the Latin word ‘antico’.
Antique is pronounced as ‘an-tique’.
Antique (noun) is an object belonging to the distant past such as furniture, items, decorative artefacts usually having a high value.

Antique as a noun refers to old objects such as porcelain, old furniture usually made of resilient wood; an object that is old but still sought after because of its rarity, because of its beauty.

Antique as an adjective refers to something that is in existence for a long time, from an early date; old-fashioned (my mother also has antique ideas about social values); and refers to something that is of ancient times.

Antique comes from the Latin word ‘antiqus’ meaning former, or ancient.

One of my hobbies is to collect antique coins Antique sellers are common in the metropolitan cities.
Antiquity is a noun. Antiquity refers to ancient times that indicate to Middle Ages; of great age such as a city, a philosophy; physical remains, relics from ancient times such as buildings, art works, coins.

In plural form, antiquities refer to customs, events, of ancient times. Which is the city of great antiquity in India? Benares!Antiquated is an adjective: something or someone which is old-fashioned, outdated. What is antiquated to you may not be antiquated to others such as fashion, social mores.

Who is an antiquarian then? Antiquarian is a person dealing with antiques, rare books; an antiquary (antiquaries) is a collector of antiques or antiquities. There are social customs in India that are antique but not antiquated because they are time-tested: respecting elders, looking-after one’s parents, caring for one’s family at the expense of sacrificing…

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