D for Determination

D for Determination

Determination is the firmness of purpose. Many students assume that they are living in a fair world. But alas that is not true. Business especially is a war without bullets. A just world is a utopian view. There is nothing perfect in this world. No perfect job, no perfect boss, and no perfect organisation. So how do we survive in an imperfect world? One has to be determined.  

Determination is the firmness of purpose. Many students assume that they are living in a fair world. But alas that is not true. Business especially is a war without bullets. A just world is a utopian view. There is nothing perfect in this world. No perfect job, no perfect boss, and no perfect organisation. So how do we survive in an imperfect world? One has to be determined.

The firmness of purpose and the single minded pursuit of that goal have to become an all-consuming passion. So much so that one should become impervious to pursuit of other mundane activities. A salesman was granted an audience with a tough buyer; the buyer exclaimed “Man, today is your lucky day.

Do you know, I had refused to see 17 salesmen?” The salesman replied “I know sir, I was that persistent salesman. Today is my 17th visit to your office.” That is determination and perseverance. Once there was a tall and gangly man with an impeccable pedigree and education. He had a cushy job in Kolkata. He was bitten by the acting bug. He approached the Allahabad Radio station for an audition.

The station in-charge told the nervous man, “Do me a favour young man, and please do not ever try to give an audition. Your voice is not suited for this profession.” The young man was determined and never gave up. He went on to become one of the most popular and beloved actors of Indian cinema.

Yes it is none other than Amitabh Bachhan. Amitabh’s voice is rich, deep and it’s his baritone that adds to the drama and the intrigue. Golconda Fort at Hyderabad hosts a light and sound show. It is once in a life time experience to hear the story of Golconda come through the impeccable voice of Amitabh.

Another personality that we will be showcasing is Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar. This incident tells about his fierce determination. It was a bright sunny day at Mumbai Gymkhana (Circa 1990). The occasion was a club tournament. Sachin Tendulkar was about to arrive.

Sachin was playing for one of the teams. There was excitement in the air. All his teammates arrived and they were in great spirits. After all it was only a club tournament and the runs made or the wickets taken do not matter. They would not be considered for the records. There was a lot of bonhomie.

Sachin arrives, to his friends’ surprise he is dressed in sparkling clean whites. He even carries his helmet. Sachin sits quietly in a corner and focusses as if it were a test match. He goes to bat and is given LBW when he is in his twenties. Onlookers still remember the anger and frustration on his way back to the pavilion.

For this diminutive man cricket was everything. Any match is the same – Sachin wanted to excel and win. It is said that Sachin hates to lose, even to his own son. He has admitted to losing to his son. Only twice – that too in friendly table tennis matches. That is the hall mark of determination.

So young friends be determined. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. One should always try out new things and be determined to succeed. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Every dark night has a bright morning beckoning. Be determined and be the person that you are destined to be.

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