Reverend, Reverent, Revenant

Reverend, Reverent, Revenant

The reverend (noun) watched the movie Revenant and spoke reverently about it with his reverend (adjective) colleagues. Reverend functions as a noun and an adjective. As an adjective, reverend refers to worthy of respect; somebody deserving reverence because of his or her age, accomplishments, deeds. 

The reverend (noun) watched the movie Revenant and spoke reverently about it with his reverend (adjective) colleagues. Reverend functions as a noun and an adjective. As an adjective, reverend refers to worthy of respect; somebody deserving reverence because of his or her age, accomplishments, deeds.

Some gurus in India are reverend gurus albeit many of them are false ones, too. The Reverend is also used as the title of a clergyman The Reverend Jones (or the Reverend Mr Jones) has the capability to become a cardinal. Reverend is used as a title in clergy but also preceded by another ‘word’ attesting the person’s importance.

The Very Reverend refers to the dean, or the Right Reverend indicates to a bishop; and the Most Reverend is referred to the archbishop in the Irish Roman Catholic Church, and the Reverend Father to a Roman Catholic priest. Reverend Mother is the title of given to the head of a convent such as to the Mother Superior.

Reverend is abbreviated as Rev, or Revd. Reverend as a noun refers to a member of the Christian clergy. Reverend also refers to a title that warrants, almost demands great respect. So people as result of their position in the clergy such as in the Catholic and Anglican Churches are addressed as Reverend.

Note that not all the people can be called as reverends but only those who earn it, and only they can use their title publicly such as a minister or someone nominated to the legislature. Some reverends continue to command respect in the society because of their dedication to humanity.

Reverent is an adjective meaning feeling or showing reverence i.e. respect, veneration, revere. It is common in cultures to have reverent gestures, reverent postures, and reverent attitudes. Reverently is an adverb, and reverential is an adjective.
The Revenant is a Hollywood movie in English movie.

Revenant is a person who returns to his home or home country after a long absence. Revenant is a person who returns after death! Revenant is derived from the French which meant ‘to return’. Revenant is the one who is reborn. Revenant is a supernatural being which returns from the dead such as a zombie, a ghost. Note that revenant the noun is also used in adjectival sense: She has revenant traits.

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