7 habits that Bosses hate to see in workers

7 habits that Bosses hate to see in workers

When it comes to a business setting, you can think of unproductive in three different ways. First, an employee can be so outgoing and bubbly in the office that you actually miss the fact that he or she has never actually been productive.

When it comes to a business setting, you can think of “unproductive” in three different ways. First, an employee can be so outgoing and bubbly in the office that you actually miss the fact that he or she has never actually been productive. Second, you can see that an employee’s work is starting to decline and realize that the employee has become unproductive. Or lastly, an employee may just plain be unproductive and everyone knows it.

However, in all three situations, the characteristics are the same. How these employees got there, or why they’re there, might be a different story, but for employers, it all starts with being able to recognize some of these characteristics. If you can recognize that an employee is unproductive, that’s the first step in making changes.

Consider some of these traits and actions to look for below:

1. Complaining

It doesn’t matter why someone is complaining or whom he or she is complaining to (or about), complaints often show that someone is not willing to put in the work to make a change. It’s a time waster, and it’s almost always easier to complain than to be productive. As John Brandon mentioned in a past article, “The really productive people don’t dwell on the problem. They just do the work.”

2. Making Excuses

Similar to complaining, making excuses is not the way to be productive. It’s one thing if things don’t get done because other things take priority, but if something doesn’t get done because of an unfair excuse, then that’s a problem with the employee. Start paying attention and see if there seems to be an excuse for everything. One or two every once in a while is OK, but excuses can get out of hand quickly.

3. Putting Things Off

This characteristic can go right along with excuses. Most of the time, an employee will put something off because of an excuse, but sometimes you’ll notice that he or she will act like it can wait and brush a task off as “not a big deal.” Again, while this might be OK in small doses, if it becomes a habit you have a problem.

4. Running Everything by the Boss

This may happen for one of two reasons: Either the employee is hoping the boss will just do the work or delegate it to someone else (usually because of excuses the employee lays out), or the employee doesn’t feel like he or she can be independent and get things done. In either situation, an employee won’t be productive. Part of productivity is being able to take the problems at hand, get creative, and work hard to solve them, and part is actually wanting to solve them. Running to the boss doesn’t help anyone get to that point, and therefore hurts productivity.

5. Only Caring About Getting Credit

This is a classic sign of someone who does not really care about the job. Therefore, such employees only worry about being productive if it’s going to get them credit in the long run. In order to really be productive, you have to be creative and innovative in your role—simply doing what you’re told and then stopping your work isn’t always using your time efficiently. Even more than simply being unproductive, this is a characteristic that really shows an employee is not motivated, which brings us to our next point.

6. There Is No Motivation or Drive

You can usually tell if people don’t have motivation or drive if they’re doing all of the things mentioned above—making excuses, putting things off, complaining, and always bothering the boss. All of these feelings combined with a lethargic attitude contribute to not being productive. Why would an employee be productive if he or she doesn’t care about the company and what that productivity could produce? After all, being productive takes work.

In some cases, there is a lack of motivation and productivity simply because that employee was the wrong fit to begin with.

7. Personal Betterment and Brand Is Slipping

This is usually what happens when people get complacent at their jobs. Maybe they’re doing what they’re told and not making excuses or complaining, and maybe they even sometimes solve problems on their own and get things done, but if their personal brand and betterment is slipping, then the work becomes routine. Part of being productive is learning new skills and taking pride in an online brand (even if it’s just to help the company). This shows independence and it shows motivation. Without this, productivity lacks.

The Takeaway

As you can see, a lot of the characteristics mentioned above compliment one another and string together. It almost works like a domino effect, so you’ll likely see an unproductive employee exhibiting more than three or four of the characteristics on the list. The best thing you can do as an employer is to be able to look for and recognize these traits and then take steps to re-motivate the employee.

source: techgig.com

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