How to choose a stream after 10th

How to choose a stream after 10th

While some students explore as early as class VIII, others are indecisive till the board exam results are declared. Whatever the case may be, stream selection remains a very important decision, after high school

While some students explore as early as class VIII, others are indecisive till the board exam results are declared. Whatever the case may be, stream selection remains a very important decision, after high school

Making sure that you select the right stream is the first step toward career planning.

Let us take a look at how we can make stream selection more logical and right.

Conflict between Interest and Trend

How many people in today’s workforce do we find who really enjoy their job? We find many who come to a field which they might not be interested in, but one that can surely bring them a salary cheque. So the very common question most of the 10th graders have is, “I am interested in (for instance) arts and humanities, but will it get me a job with a good salary?” The answer is opting a stream for salary or sbecause it is the current trend might be a temporary decision.

If you can afford and feel confident about your interests, then it is likely that one can attain good results in any stream. Trends might change by the time you graduate which is no less than six years down the line. Subjects that interest you have a superior edge on deciding the stream you would like to study. There had been so many instances where students opt for a particular stream because that is the trend and find out later that their interest lies in other subjects which might even result in drop out of the course.

You are in pressure of peer or parents
It is nice to make peers and parents a part of the career planning journey. How far and how long is the matter of concern? At some point of time, your peers are going to take a way suitable for their skill and interest; at that point one might find it difficult to cope up with a stream of less interest.

Parents do play an important role in guiding and shaping their child’s career ,but again, the exploration would be beneficial if it goes on the line of your interest rather than a poor ground work or a last minute rush to schools, for admission. A better idea is to include parents in career exploration as early as middle school to understand the various available options.

No subject is better than the other
You might choose a particular subject because it has more scope of a sophisticated career versus other subjects. However, ultimately the level of fulfillment and outputs of your career is what matters the most.

Job opportunities
Something to keep in mind as early as high school is, no stream selection is complete without your research about the potential job opportunities. Also, you must really understand if those jobs are meant for you. Does your skill match that job? If not how can you develop those skills to make a good match with those jobs.

The bottom line is the decision made after 10th. Although 10th grade or High School seems to be too early to make career decisions, the fact is the decision made here, is going to fetch you a promising career later.

Know more about yourself, your interests, and your skills, as all this discovered knowledge will result in smarter decisions.

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