Option-less in career choice – HR message from ‘precautionary principle’

Option-less in career choice – HR message from ‘precautionary principle’

Should one follow the ‘precautionary principle’ which is otherwise called as ‘caution in advance’, so strictly or it can be followed casually?  What would be the consequence, if one follows the above either strictly or casually?

Should one follow the ‘precautionary principle’ which is otherwise called as ‘caution in advance’, so strictly or it can be followed casually? What would be the consequence, if one follows the above either strictly or casually? The meaning of the precautionary principle or caution in advance is quite self explanatory. Only because every life form on earth follows strictly the above law, the law of nature, species diversity, food chain, food web and certainly the law of cybernatics could exist in nature.

Only because of the above principle that is followed by people, man has created several social security systems like life and health insurance, savings scheme, pension scheme etc. One should believe and follow the above law or principle only from the premise where the ‘risk’ component is reasonable and so is its consequence. Therefore the importance of ‘caution in advance’ is duly justified.

The interesting point is that people in corporate do follow the above principle more strictly than anyone in the society.

If one follows the above principle with intelligence, clear articulation and understanding, become wise and learn to surmount adversities. If they follow the above with fear, anxiety and undue imagination, succumbs to limitations and option less state.

Most corporate people never explore the career opportunity elsewhere only because of the fact that they follow the above principle as ‘gospel truth’. They continue to work in the same organization despite the promotion, increment, bonus etc., being denied or not given. The psychology of ‘caution in advance’ never allows them to take risk by exploring job opportunities elsewhere. Such people can be exceptionally talented, capable and equally intelligent as well. Such people more often than not fail to please their bosses or be a part of ‘sycophancy club’ or in the ‘coterie of corporate leaders’.

Most people do follow the above law. But some will smartly create immunity by becoming ‘the yes boss people’. They become ardent devotees of their bosses, become their fan and sycophant. But some just believe or follow but never do any thing beyond believing in ‘caution in advance’ principle.

All animals in the jungle do follow the above principle. They follow to an extent where they do not leave the jungle. They prefer to co-exist with their predators. They have evolved with different defense mechanisms and strategies to deal the danger. The point is that animals believe in the above law and hence remain in the jungle. This can be treated as limitation but all animals have also evolved to do so only because of the above law. Buffaloes have horns, deer has great running ability, lion has acute sense of smell etc., are nothing but advantages of these animals, born strictly out of ‘precaution in advance’.

The message is that when you believe in something, remembers that the above belief system should give you confidence, immunity, strength and strategy to deal the possible adversity. Instead, one should not get limited; go helpless, isolated and miserable. Let your ‘caution in advance’ approach make you strong than weak is the message nature has to convey to the corporate people.

Dr S Ranganathan

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