Promotion comes with new responsibilities you may not be ready for

Promotion comes with new responsibilities you may not be ready for

While everybody aspires to move up in the hierarchy, detrimental promotion comes with new responsibilities you may not be ready for Apeksha Kaushik,

While everybody aspires to move up in the hierarchy, detrimental promotion comes with new responsibilities you may not be ready for Apeksha Kaushik,

Promotions are usually good but in many cases, they can be negative too considering the responsibilities that come along.

“While thinking about moving up the hierarchy means more power and status, we seldom anticipate the greater responsibilities,” says Valay Lakdavala, director-digital marketing and PR, NeoNiche Integrated Solutions.

Abhijit Nimgaonkar, office managing principal and India CEC’s head, ZS, says that before you accept an offer for promotion, make sure it is something you really want.

“One can get so wrapped up in the idea of advancement that one may forgets about the responsibilities that come along with a promotion: more work, team management and possibly a change in career trajectory,” he added.

Professionals must remember that they were promoted because they not only demonstrated excellence in previous role but also show readiness for the next level.

However, Nimgaonkar advices that one should take time to consider the type of promotion being offered and make sure that it’s aligned with the career trajectory and goals the professional has for himself or herself.

“Write down what your goals and priorities. When you imagine yourself in five years, what would you be doing at work? Does this promotion fit into your goals and priorities? Talk it out and get advice from trusted mentors and peers,” he said.

Lakdavala offers some advise that might help a professional get an extra edge on his/her way to success:

Set your goals and follow through. Goals that are not measurable are sheer fantasies.

Hustle but don’t hurry, take your time to understand and adjust to the new role and establish a strong relationship before marching forward for changes.

Be an active networker. Networking is a two-way sharing process. It is about forming trust and helping one another to create a strong and lasting relationship.

Rightful delegation is the key that nurtures motivation, productivity and trust. Make sure you identify the right person for the job, clearly define the objectives and always review for learnings.

Don’t rest too much on your previous success, keep up the pace to learn new things and innovate. Remember: Success is a continuous journey.

Also, one must keep in mind that a promotion is a milestone, not a finish line.

“It’s just the first step of many. Think back to when you started your current job. It took a lot of hard work to be where you are today. Unless you want this to be your last promotion, it’s important to outline your new priorities, new goals and new expectations as soon as possible so that you can start exceeding them,” said Nimgaonkar.


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