Solution, not elimination of problem….a HR message

Solution, not elimination of problem….a HR message

Solution to a problem and not an elimination of the problem, one should always attempt to achieve in corporate. But often people try to eliminate the problems and claim that they have achieved an absolute solution.   

Solution to a problem and not an elimination of the problem, one should always attempt to achieve in corporate. But often people try to eliminate the problems and claim that they have achieved an absolute solution.

During boss-subordinate conflicts, most bosses would like to somehow try to get rid of the subordinates who are otherwise problematic. The subordinates also often think only the same way. Solution to any problem never can and should be, elimination of the existing problem is the strong management message; nature conveys.

If we think logically, the predatory animals like lion, tiger etc., would have evolved only to contain and control the herbivores animals otherwise they might destroy the entire green cover due their unchecked population. To contain the carnivore animals, the herbivores were made extra alert, swift and smart. The power/strength of the carnivores were further limited to kill the prey but not to run great distance or at great speed.

If we carefully examine the role of different species of animals and plants on earth, they all will tell the story of a big design – the solution and not problem. Every species has evolved only as solution to a problem and not as problem.

When the solution becomes a problem, another solution arrives. That is how the species diversity, vibrancy, richness etc., have occurred in nature. Problem – solution equilibrium only keeps the balance of the ecosystem. If nature had ever thought of ‘overgrazing’ by herbivores as a problem, it would have eliminated some of the herbivores. But nature not appeared to have thought or functioned in that fashion. To the above problem, nature created a wonderful solution, i.e. creation of predators.

The message to be learned by the corporate leaders is that never approach problems helplessly. Never also hold the doctrine of ‘problem less’ or ‘problem free’ life is only happy life. Instead of eliminating problems, work towards solution. When you start creating solutions, your life will be full of solutions, diverse strategies and plans. Your corporate life will be as rich of nature with enormous species diversity, colour and beauty.

Another important dimension is that when you evolve a solution to a particular problem, the solution also might address other related problems as well. Then such corporate will be full of vibrant solutions than diverse problems and millions of mutiny.

Let people in your corporate speak the language of ‘solution’, not about ‘problems’. True leaders work towards solutions whereas the selfish leaders to eliminate the problems.

Dr S Ranganathan

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