Sincerity and dependency always go together – HR message for griefless corporate life

Sincerity and dependency always go together – HR message for griefless corporate life

People might find it ridiculous if someone say sincerity will certainly breed insecurity. Does that mean people should not be sincere or in other words insincere people don’t feel insecure? The statement is not for argument or debate but for discussion and understanding.  

People might find it ridiculous if someone say sincerity will certainly breed insecurity. Does that mean people should not be sincere or in other words insincere people don’t feel insecure? The statement is not for argument or debate but for discussion and understanding.

More often people become sincere to anything purely because of their dependency. With the passage of time, the meaning of the word sincerity has become a dependency. If we impartially measure the meaning, we can understand that ‘sincerity is always directly proportional to dependency’. This is not only true with people in corporate, the animals in jungle also follow only the above rule.

The word dependency has to be understood in its real context. Dependency can be direct or physical in nature or it can be emotion related one. The people who are likely to argue and oppose the above definition are only those who claim to be sincere and their dependency is not physical but emotional in nature. It is difficult to prove the dependency of people when it is at an emotional level.

When people greatly depend on the corporate for their survival with the admission that they have limited opportunities elsewhere, naturally they tend to become sincere and would engage in displaying their sincerity because of such dependency. It does not mean, people who do not depend on the corporate are insincere. The sincerity should come from non-dependency and not due to or because of dependency.

Many sincere people in corporate suffer the worst mostly due to the above trap. After deeper understanding of the situation and reality, we can learn that most of the employees are sincere more due to their dependency on the corporate. Deep dependency will certainly make one helpless. When people become sincere because of helplessness, such actions will never help anyone. Helplessness will breed only helplessness. If this truth is not understood, people would end up doing nothing else but crying. They cry because they despite being sincere, corporately is ungrateful and uncharitable towards them. They further add that the corporate does not value & believe sincerity and sincere people etc.,

Nature has a different message to convey. All animals depend on their habitats. They are sincere to such habitats and that is why they seldom change their habitats as their natural choice. They never are sincere to their habitat out of dependency. Every species of animal play a significant role directly and or indirectly to sustain and support the continuous existence of the same habitat. They exhibit their sincerity only by means of nourishing and replenishing the habitat (pollination, seed dispersal, aerating the soil etc.,) and not by over utilizing or over expecting from the habitat.

They are true to their reward and hence reciprocate to the reward in equal measure. Their thanksgiving gesture is unconditional, involuntary and directly proportional to their reward or benefit that they receive. To gather more nectar, the bees have to visit a larger number of flowers and it means, they pollinate a large number of flowers.

If people become sincere involuntarily, unconditionally and habitually, such sincere people never have to feel their sincerity has not helped them or betrayed them, either.

Sincerity born out of dependency can be true to both the employees and corporate. If the corporate also is sincere to its employees as long as they depend on them and vice versa, such sincerity is likely to bring no success. Once the dependency ceases, the sincerity would disappear from such relationship. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen simultaneously for both the employee and the corporate. If it happens simultaneously, the scope for complaint or grief or enmity either from corporate or from the employee is remote.

Be sincere not out of dependency on anything. Let your dependency be separate from your sincerity and let your sincerity be your very nature, existence and habit.

Dr. S Ranganathan

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