Coloured fruits with meaningful HR message

Coloured fruits with meaningful HR message

Why most fruits are brilliantly coloured and pleasantly odoured? Indeed most fruits are sweet and exceptionally tasty as well. Why all the above three properties most fruits carry together? When they taste nice, it is certain that all birds and animals would search and find these fruits even if they are not easily visible or traceable.  

Why most fruits are brilliantly coloured and pleasantly odoured? Indeed most fruits are sweet and exceptionally tasty as well. Why all the above three properties most fruits carry together? When they taste nice, it is certain that all birds and animals would search and find these fruits even if they are not easily visible or traceable.

All fruiting plants are like a ‘corporate’ require employees/customers to get attracted to its products (fruits) and finally do the job of seed dispersal.

Indeed, customer attraction cannot be achieved only through meeting the ‘basic’ needs of the customer. The products also should create and kindle new needs, aspirations and desires in them. Only when one makes the customer feel that all their requirements and expectations met by the product, the customers will remain/continuously use the product. This is the basic tenet of every business success.

Plants need wide variety of the seed dispersing customers/employees for dispersing the seeds. Plants have to meet the food (basic) need of the customer and only then they would do the business of disseminating the seeds that are grown in the plant.

Nature has favoured the plants to have all the three advantages together viz., taste, attractive colour and attractive odour to invite and retain its customers/employees.

Nature knew that by just meeting the need of the customers is not enough; the customers also must be constantly invited and reminded of their needs. The colour and pleasant odour besides taste of the fruits always ‘tempts’ the customers.

In business, tempting the customer is the first step for success. The modern corporate must understand this management insight of all fruiting plants. When the corporate employs people with high salary, it should not be assumed that because of the salary, the employees would work judiciously or automatically and produce great results. To make them super performers, strict yardsticks must be followed.

Constantly the employees must be tempted to remain in the corporate and work for the total growth and success of the corporate. In essence, the employees are the first customers of the corporate. Whenever there is ‘reward’ and ‘expectation’ the equation must automatically positions between the two ends of ‘customer and corporate’ relationship.

This is true for employees also. They also must carry the essence of their responsibility for the corporate. They also should constantly tempt the corporate to feel that the employee is a real asset.

Both the corporate and its employees hence should travel beyond their ‘brief’. HR (Human Resource) function should strive hard to create appropriate communication forums to achieve the above. The corporate should never think that the ‘salary’ should make the difference and similarly the employees should never think that if they perform well once is sufficient.

Both must ensure the bondage frequently and must re-kindle to their commitment to each other.

Dr S Ranganathan

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