Corporate leadership message from moth and wall lizard

Corporate leadership message from moth and wall lizard

How many people in the corporate would have ever watched the wall lizard hunting a moth or an insect? It is not only interesting to watch the above, but it is educative as well.

How many people in the corporate would have ever watched the wall lizard hunting a moth or an insect? It is not only interesting to watch the above, but it is educative as well. The lizard used to patiently wait for the moth or an insect to come close to it. It used to wait for minutes to hours. If a moth when see a lizard at lose encounter, immediately it would try to stretch its wings to show it is much bigger than what the lizard could assume about its size.

The lizard on seeing the ‘heavy’ display of the moth, become either cautious or doubtful. In most occasions, the moths do fool the lizard through such display and escape predation. But interestingly, the moths do prefer to live in the same habitat where plenty of wall lizards live.

If the moth sees the space around it; it would never prefer to live in a place where the threat of wall lizard is rampant. Unfortunately the moths may be looking around only the lizard and once it sees them quickly flee or engage in ‘display’ to caution or scare away the predator. In most instances, moths do get hunted by the wall lizard despite its ‘smart effort’.

The question is why when plenty of space is available around; the moths still engages in scaring the lizard and continue live in the same ecosystem? This question must be asked by every corporate employee. Many corporate employees do live like moths in their real life.

Like moths that get attracted towards light and get caught by the lizard that hides behind, get trapped in the same corporate. They never see the opportunity around them like the moths. If the moths have ever understood of the space around it, no wall lizard can ever have moth as its meal.

The limitation is not only true for the moths but also for the employees in most corporate. Most corporate employees once they join the organization only engaged in discovering and innovating different ways and means to secure the job and how to continue in the same organization. They compete in the ‘small space’ thinking that they have ‘no space’ available to live elsewhere.

Why some employees prefer to live like moths? Why they fail to see the world of opportunity around them, outside the organization? None on earth can answer the above question except the employees themselves. Unless they ask such question and answer and find the answer from within, they remain as moths, fearing or engaged in scaring the lizard through pseudo means. If it is worth to be like a moth, be a moth and count your success as how many times you could scare away the lizard. If you ever wish to blossom, see the world and opportunity around you, time is not too late.

Dr S Ranganathan

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