Why most corporate leaders lean and bend? HR message from radio active elements

Why most corporate leaders lean and bend? HR message from radio active elements

One of the key distinguishing points or characteristics of able leaders/bosses should be their ability to ‘travel’ great distance than others in understanding the facts or situation.

One of the key distinguishing points or characteristics of able leaders/bosses should be their ability to ‘travel’ great distance than others in understanding the facts or situation. Only when they have such an astounding ability to ‘travel’ (understand, see, articulate, imagine, assimilate etc.,) beyond any doubt than anyone in the team, can remain the most sought after leaders in any corporate. Only such leaders can influence the corporate. Only those who can influence the team can bring a change. But unfortunately such leaders are scarce, scanty and are absolutely unknown ‘species’ in most corporate.

The question is why most corporate leaders fail to ‘travel’ fast, straight and better than others? Why most of the corporate leaders carry very ‘ordinary qualities and capabilities’? It needs to be understood scientifically.

The Radioactive elements emit three types of rays such as alpha, beta and gamma. However, all these rays are invisible to naked eyes. Both alpha and beta posses either positive or negative charges and hence they lean/deflect towards either of the charges when the rays are passed through a magnetic field. Whereas the gamma rays posses no charge and hence moves in straight line without showing any affinity towards either of the charges.

The interesting point is that gamma rays can travel great distance when compared to both alpha and beta. To resist gamma rays are not that easy when compared to alpha and beta.

Most of the corporate leaders behave exactly like either alpha or beta rays show some level of leaning towards someone in the corporate. However, such ‘leanings’ will be invisible to most of the people in corporate like how the three rays are invisible to human eyes. It means, they show deflection /moving away or towards some other people. In other word, they show affinity or prejudice towards some. Because of the above leadership quality, they are always biased. Most of the decisions of such leaders/bosses are partial and prejudiced. Because of the above affinity, the bosses/leaders always fails to see the actual, fails to understand the real and are largely poor in articulation and cognition and finally they ends up in taking decisions that are not only unwise but also detrimental to the corporate. Most of such decisions are short sighted and situational than vision centric to address the larger interest of the organization.

Our understanding and interpretations becomes finer, effective and intelligent if we are ‘impartial’, ‘objective’ and ‘non deflective’. Only then we can travel great distance to understand the situation or problem or project or task far better than others. The HR must checkout the leaders as to know whether they posses the quality and capability to ‘travel’ great distance or not. If not, please find out whether it is due to their incapability or due to their affinity towards someone or to a particular group/function. And do the necessary corrections.

Dr S Ranganathan

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