Groups and grouping – HR message from animal world

Groups and grouping – HR message from animal world

Isolation and forming an isolated groups of people in corporate is extremely common. Many people in the corporate form as many groups as possible. This would essentially lead to many confusion and conflicts in the work place especially between two groups.

Isolation and forming an isolated groups of people in corporate is extremely common. Many people in the corporate form as many groups as possible. This would essentially lead to many confusion and conflicts in the work place especially between two groups. Usually, the corporate leaders and the respective HR (Human Resource) function always urge the people to work as single group and burry the attitude and culture of group-ism.

How far such desire or wish of the corporate will make some sense or difference in people? Is ‘group-ism’ really bad for the corporate?

A peep into the wildlife will give right insight and instinct to the corporate leaders about ‘what the group-ism’ really means and what difference it can makes to the respective species.

A survey in any forest habitat would reveal that several animals live as several small or large groups. Never, all animals of any given species live as single group. Several pride of lions, heard of elephants, troop of monkeys, pack of dogs, hyena etc., do exist in same ecosystem by sharing the same larger habitat. When two different groups of animals meet, inevitably they fight.

The question is not about fight. Why the animals of same species live in different groups instead of a large single? If we go deeper and deeper into the possible genesis of the grouping behaviour of animals, we can understand the fact that most of the groups are largely comprised of members of the same family. Each group is either the same family units or members of an extended family unit. Why they fight with other group of animals? It is mainly to protect their gene pool?

People in the corporate always search for genes of ‘similarity or identity’ with reference to their ‘behaviour’. Once they discover such similarity, they tend to ‘group together’ as well. When they have formed as such groups, they tend to protect the group as only then they can continue to exhibit their way of expressions and interpretations of various issues and can also achieve its acceptance.

In a sense, grouping does bring inter-specific competition. Competition is inevitable for ones growth and success. Grouping is in essence not bad but regular conflicts between different groups only are bad. The corporate leaders must understand this essential message.

If the corporate is filled with several groups of people means, it is diverse and vibrant. Different talents exist in such corporate. The wise HR function and the leaders must facilitate the groups to perform and not to conflict. This inevitable art of managing the groups, the corporate leaders must learn from nature. In nature, the conflicts between different pride of lions and pack of dogs, for example are not that common.

Dr S Ranganathan

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