HR message from be a Roman in Rome and Darling effect

HR message from be a Roman in Rome and Darling effect

Does the world know why and how most people in corporate always appear busy showcasing they are busy than actually busy? Is it because of the real work pressure or demanding job responsibilities or due to the high level of accountability or they are result centric, what makes them to put up a show that they are so busy?

Does the world know why and how most people in corporate always appear busy showcasing they are busy than actually busy? Is it because of the real work pressure or demanding job responsibilities or due to the high level of accountability or they are result centric, what makes them to put up a show that they are so busy?

The bitter truth is that many people are busy in most corporate purely because of someone who appears to be busy over there. For the sake of those people are really busy, the rest would also try to be busy to keep the momentum of the corporate. Most employees follow the rule of “Be a Roman in Rome”.

When you are so busy I cannot afford to be casual or appears to be casual or lazy is the perfect management law the employees often follow in most corporate. Since almost all employees follow the above law so meticulously and judiciously in the corporate world, naturally every one would appear busy in such corporate…… busy up to the nostrils. Just they could breathe to survive for a while as they are that busy.

‘Darling effect’ is the real cause for the above behaviour. ‘Darling effect’ is defined as the effect of social living and its influences in biology, behaviour and community traits. The early puberty or breeding readiness attained by either of the sex are only from the social grouping where both sexes are adequately present and well acquainted with each other. When the balances of both sexes are not present, the breeding readiness would get delayed. All our associated learning’s are part of the theory of darling effect and its influence.

In corporate, people are largely busy because some are really busy. The larger takeout is that busy people means, people who are working hard and such hard working people are always an asset to the organization. When an organization is full of such assets, it can assure nothing other than growth and success. Unfortunately, such result never happens despite everyone in the organization are busy with their work. It other word they are not doing their work but are showing up to the world that they are busy. The question to be analyzed carefully is that whether all or most of the people in your corporate busy and if the answer is positive, certainly the end result can be negative.

One needs to study the definition of busy to understand whether they are really busy with the work or appear busy due to darling effect. None would say or admit that they are busy due to others. Therefore the leaders must seek the micro details to establish why and how people are busy in the corporate. Busy for the sake of being busy or busy due to genuine reason has to be separated out one from the other. The people who respond to darling effect are very susceptible and such people at the best can only be copy cats in the organization. Do a value judgment to evaluate and validate the truth on how busy the employees are and introspect whether you are busy due to darling effect.

Dr S Ranganathan

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