Non-functional trucks add to garbage nuisance

Non-functional trucks add to garbage nuisance

Non-functional trucks add to garbage nuisance. The frequent breakdown of garbage clearance trucks has become a major impediment to the Swachh Bharat drive of the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation.

The frequent breakdown of garbage clearance trucks has become a major impediment to the Swachh Bharat drive of the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation. The VMC owns a fleet of 150 vehicles, including trucks and earth movers, for clearance of about 500 metric tonnes of solid waste generated by the city per day.

The garbage lifted from various localities in the city is dumped at Jakkampudi yard and other places. More than 30 trucks of the total fleet are under repair at the VMC vehicle depot at Purnanandampet now. The maintenance of vehicles has put a severe financial burden on the VMC as it runs into lakhs per month.

Despite spending a huge amount on maintenance, the trucks are prone to breakdown. Non-availability of efficient mechanics is cited as one of the reasons for the frequent breakdown of vehicles. “The VMC which received flak from people for non-clearance of garbage at several places due to inadequate number of vehicles at its disposal, hired 30 tractors three months ago.

It is paying a rent of Rs 2,700 per day for each tractor. Instead of hiring tractors that sums up to Rs 24 lakh per month, it is better that the VMC purchase new trucks for garbage removal,” said an official.

Complicating things further, the sewer cleaning trucks acquired by the VMC at a cost of Rs 3.6 crore in 2011, have also become defunct. Theft of important components of the trucks at the vehicle depot is raising at an alarming proportion.

Deploring the poor functioning of the vehicle depot, CPM city secretary Donepudi Kasinath said, ``The hiring of vehicles for garbage clearance will finally benefit private contractors. Many trucks are lying idle at the depot for want of minor repairs. Due importance is not being given to maintenance of vehicles by the VMC.

The vehicle depot needs to be overhauled to run it on sound lines.'' When contacted, VMC Chief Engineer MA Shukoor said, We have already initiated measures to check irregularities in the vehicle depot.

An assistant engineer of the depot was suspended recently for dereliction of duty. The issue of proper maintenance of garbage clearance trucks was taken to the notice of Municipal Commissioner. Emphasis will be laid on maintenance of the trucks to avert breakdown.’’

By Sistla Dakshina Murthy

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