Govt should pay minimum salary to LIC agents: Tapan Sen

Govt should pay minimum salary to LIC agents: Tapan Sen

Govt should pay minimum salary to LIC agents: Tapan Sen. The two-day All India Conference of LIC Agents of India (LICAOI), which is affiliated to CITU, has unanimously called all the like-minded trade unions to put pressure on Union government to stop Labour Act Amendment Bill (LAAB) which is against the interests of the working classes.

The two-day All India Conference of LIC Agents of India (LICAOI), which is affiliated to CITU, has unanimously called all the like-minded trade unions to put pressure on Union government to stop Labour Act Amendment Bill (LAAB) which is against the interests of the working classes.

On the concluding day, the LICAOI conference has passed 11 resolutions which protect every LIC agent in the country on Friday. CITU General Secretary and MP Tapan Sen spoke on the problems of the LIC agents and demanded that the government should bring all the agents in the country under un-organized sector and pay minimum salary and benefits to them.

He said that there should be at least a minimum of Rs.15 thousand in salaries for all LIC agents and the Parliament should pass a bill with regard to the resolutions made in the fourth edition of this two-day conclave. PG Dileep, All India General Secretary of LICAOI, Thiruvananthapuram has released the resolution copies to the media on Friday.

The resolutions that were made include, Center to bring all the LIC agents in the country into un-organized sector and give ESI, PF and bring a separate bill in the Parliament to provide assured employment. It was also resolved that the government should take stringent action on direct marketing by private firms and not to create competition between LIC agents and private agents.

The LICAOI demanded that the Union government should give at least Rs.3 thousand per month as pension to the senior retired LIC Agents and there should be equal contribution of government to the LIC agent pensions.

The other resolutions include withdrawing escalation clause, cancellation of 15 percent lapsing and restoring policies which were lapsed before May 31. On the day one, A Sampath, MP working president, former MP and president of LICAOI Basudeb Acharya, PG Dileep and others spoke on different issues related to LIC agents.

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