Using positive affirmations

Using positive affirmations

Many of us have negative thoughts, sometimes on a regular basis. When we have negative thoughts, our confidence, mood and outlook become negative too.

Many of us have negative thoughts, sometimes on a regular basis. When we have negative thoughts, our confidence, mood and outlook become negative too.

The problem with these thoughts is that they can be self-fulfilling. Inside our heads, we talk ourselves into believing that we're not good enough. And, because of this, these thoughts drag down our personal lives, our relationships, and our careers.

This is why consciously doing the opposite – using positive affirmations – can be helpful. Statements which affirm something to be true is known as a Positive Affirmation.

Affirmations are positive, specific statements that help you to overcome self-sabotaging, negative thoughts. They help you visualise, and believe in, what you're affirming to yourself, helping you to make positive changes to your life and career.

Some people may view affirmations as looking at the world with an unrealistic perspective. Quite a lot can depend on your mindset.

Affirmations are like exercises for our mind and outlook; these positive mental repetitions can reprogram our thinking patterns so that, over time, we begin to think, and act, in a new way.

When to use positive affirmations One can use affirmations in any situation where you'd like to see a positive change take place.

These might include times when you want to raise confidence before presentations or important meetings, control negative feelings such as frustration, anger and impatience, improve one’s self esteem, and finish projects started and / or to improve productivity.

Affirmations are often more effective when they're paired with other positive thinking and goal-setting techniques.

Once one has identified the goals to be achieved in the short and long term, one can use positive affirmations to help keep oneself motivated in order to achieve them.

How to use positive affirmations Affirmations are positive statements that help you challenge and overcome negative thinking and self – sabotaging behaviours.

They're usually short, positive statements that target a specific area, behaviour, or belief that you're struggling with. Start by thinking of the areas of your life you'd like to change.

For instance, do you wish you had more patience? or a deeper relationship with your friends or colleagues? or do you want a more productive workday?

Write down several areas or behaviours you'd like to work on. Then, for each of these, come up with a positive, present-tense statement you can repeat to yourself several times a day.

It's also important that your affirmation is credible, believable, and based on a realistic assessment of fact. Positive affirmations for women These affirmations for women are meant to help every woman celebrate, motivate, uplift, encourage, empower, love and accept herself.

Increased self love and self esteem sets the stage for intention, motivation and strong desire to create a positive change. Affirmations shall not have the desired effect if just mumbled once in a while.

One must put oneself with passion, emotions and desire into them.

S I embrace my age with joy and pride.

S I grow wiser and stronger as I age.

S I discover new joys of living at every age.

For men

Men are expected, by most people, to be strong and commanding in virtually all aspects of their life. The man who uses positive daily affirmations is also a very confident man. This is easily accomplished by affirming the positive around you. Ensure that you tell yourself that you are a success, that people like you, and that you are a good person exactly the way you are.

S I listen to other men carefully before responding.

S I am a man who receives wisdom and knowledge from my subconscious mind every moment of my life.

S The tone of my masculine voice communicates strength, courage and confidence.

For children

For kids the thought is very clear – Affirmations are like seed planted in soil, poor soil – poor growth. Rich soil – abundant growth. As important as it is for parents to encourage, love and support their children, it is just as important that children learn to create this within themselves. It is very empowering for a child to create positive beliefs in themselves so that it is much harder for people to tear them down.

S I am very intelligent.

S I deeply love and accept myself.

S I am healthy and am growing up well.

For students

In today’s’ modern, fast changing world learning is not anymore confined to the period of formal education but way beyond, and learning is a lifelong endeavour. Knowledge is just knowledge. It is the role of the student to be a visionary, to use knowledge to transform and transcend experience. The most important affirmation is- Today and every day, my thirst for learning is alive and well in me.

S I understand the lessons taught in school completely and quickly.

S My family, friends and teachers love me for who I am.

S I may make mistakes sometimes but I choose to learn from them.

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