Become a safe mother

Become a safe mother

here are two age old routes of child delivery which everyone is aware of that is either vaginally or abdominally by cesarean section. Although, we can’t change the routes of delivery but yes there are latest trends in which we can modify the existing delivery patterns to make it more comfortable for the mother as well baby or we can better call it assisted delivery.

Latest delivery options to ease labour problems

There are two age old routes of child delivery which everyone is aware of that is either vaginally or abdominally by cesarean section. Although, we can’t change the routes of delivery but yes there are latest trends in which we can modify the existing delivery patterns to make it more comfortable for the mother as well baby or we can better call it assisted delivery.

Forceps delivery: It is a kind of assisted vaginal delivery in which a spoon shaped instrument is used to deliver the baby head in certain circumstances such as baby is under distress or to cut short the second stage of labour. It’s a kind of operative vaginal delivery. Sometimes in cesarean section also forceps can be used when baby’s head is floating.

Vacuum Delivery: This is also a type of instrumental delivery in which a cup (rigid or soft cup) attached to the vacuum is used to apply on baby’s head to guide its delivery through the birth canal. Use of vacuum is almost same as forceps except in cases of preterm babies. Vaginal Birth After Cesarean: Popularly known as VBAC this is not a universal method that can be used for all women who had cesarean section rather individualisation of cases is needed and whoever fits the criteria for VBAC is allowed vaginal birth after cesarean.

Painless Labour or Epidural Analgesia: It is a way of providing pain relief during labour. An injection is given in epidural space in the back that delivers continuous pain relief to the lower part of the body while you remain fully conscious. It decrease sensation but doesn’t result in total lack of feeling.

Water Birth: In this you experience a part of labour or delivery in warm water. Giving birth under water may be interesting to you as it is less stressful for the mother as well as the baby. It’s easier to move inside water as compared to movements on bed so it may make the labour little less painful as compared to normal labour without water.

You should not try water birth if

  • You are less than 18 or more than 35 years of age
  • You have medical problems such as diabetes, pre-eclampsia
  • Preterm
  • Baby in breech position
  • You need constant monitoring which is not possible in water
  • You are having twins or multiple pregnancy
  • You have an infection
  • Whatever methods of assisted deliveries are available; they are to help the mother deliver successfully a healthy baby.

By: Dr Vimee Bindra
(The author is Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician at Apollo Health City, Jubilee Hills in Hyderabad)

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