Pace, Pacemaker, Apace, Space

Pace, Pacemaker, Apace, Space

Some learn at their own pace either taking more time, or less time depending upon one’s capacity. The incomes and inflation should not outpace each other in planned (regulated) economies but often markets dictate.  

Who is the fastest pace bowler in cricket?
Some learn at their own pace either taking more time, or less time depending upon one’s capacity. The incomes and inflation should not outpace each other in planned (regulated) economies but often markets dictate.

The family’s expenditure outpaced the income, and were in financial trouble. What will you do if your expenditure outpaces your income?
Pace functions as a noun, verb and preposition. Pace has three distinct meanings: speed, tempo, momentum, motion, velocity (the pace of the speed bowlers can give jitters to some batsmen); step, stride, gait, tread (everyone in the park were amazed at the pace of the nonagenarian!); footstep (the length of his each pace is long unlike others).

Pace as a verb refers to march up and down, stride, walk to and fro or back and forth, walking slowly and with regular steps; setting a time for runners, riders (you should travel at this pace). The derivatives of pace are paces, paced, pacing.

The fans of the losing team paced out of the stadium as the fans of the winning team stayed on, and enjoyed the celebrations along the footballers.

The pace of the walkers in the morning is usually brisk.
At a snail’s pace is an idiom: walking slowly such as a snail.
Keep pace with someone or somebody refers to get, obtain, possess, develop, and increase the pace like that of someone or somebody.

Initially, he started to earn little money but he kept pace with his sibling as he put in more work in his firm.
The pace of the walk of a human being gradually decreases with age unless someone is a fitness fad, or practices regular exercise in his or her 70s, 80s and 90s.

Pace as a preposition refers to with respect to a specific person, someone, and somebody who may not agree. Pacemaker and pace-setter are used interchangeably.

Pacemaker means a runner, rider, driver who are followed by others in a race and usually goes at a fast speed. Pacemaker is an electronic device placed in the heart of person whose heartbeats are not regular, whose heartbeats are weak.

The pacemaker will help a person with weak heart to have regular heartbeats and also will make the weak heart stronger.Pace car is the car used in races that leads a parade of cars, and pulls of the course as other cars take position. Pace egg is the hard-boiled coloured egg prepared during Easter and shared with friends and families as a goodwill gesture.

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