Michelle Obama praises India's steps to educate, empower girls

Michelle Obama praises Indias steps to educate, empower girls

US First Lady Michelle Obama has praised the recent steps taken by India to educate and empower girl students through various programmes that break down the cultural barriers that keep them out of school. 

Washington: US First Lady Michelle Obama has praised the recent steps taken by India to educate and empower girl students through various programmes that break down the cultural barriers that keep them out of school.

"I am thrilled that countries like Ghana and India and Rwanda are already doing such important work as part of this effort -- from scholarships and mentorship opportunities, to innovative programmes to break down the cultural barriers that keep girls out of school," Michelle said.

"We need you to work with the Bank to develop programmes that will meet the needs of girls in your countries. And if your country has already reached gender parity in education, then we need you to step up and support countries where disparities still exist," she said in her remarks at a special event at the World Bank titled "Let Girls Learn!” During the event, the World Bank announced USD 2.5 billion in support of adolescent girls' education over the next five years.

"That is truly amazing," Michelle said. The Indian Government has taken a series of steps including "Beti Bachao Beti Padhao" towards education and empowerment of girls in the country, the Indian Ambassador to US Arun K Singh said.

In five years, enrollment of Girls has improved from 58.70 to 78.94. Gender Parity Index has increased from 0.88 to 1. And there is sharp reduction in Gender gap," Singh said.

India, he said, has rolled out a national incentive scheme that gifts money to young women from disadvantaged backgrounds when they turn 18 and have passed their 10th grade exams.

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