Enriching the experience of schooling

Enriching the experience of schooling

The best period of life is childhood and school days are undoubtedly accounted as the golden era of an individual’s life. School plays a transformative role and is a foundation stone on which one’s personality, identity and character is built. 

The best period of life is childhood and school days are undoubtedly accounted as the golden era of an individual’s life. School plays a transformative role and is a foundation stone on which one’s personality, identity and character is built.

Ideally, the school's role is to bring each student to his or her individual maximum academic and intellectual potential. But unfortunately, most of the students fail to recognize their potential in school days only to realize it later in life.

Schools can introduce a multitude of opportunities for children. Since students spend a large portion of their day at school, it is vital that the delivery of education is designed to enrich the experience of schooling which involves activities that is much beyond textbooks and notebooks.

Right from a young age, schools should work towards a coordinated approach to create a collective impact model for students which enables their intellectual, personal and social growth.

School authorities can adopt a few measures and consider equipping their schools better to improve the learning standards. Firstly, to enrich the experience of schooling, schools could start incorporating technology to take learning to a new level wherein students can relate, connect and get inspired.

Such innovative concepts known popularly in the US as ‘flipped classrooms’ challenge young minds to think creatively and increases the level of student engagement. This method of teaching addresses the issues in learning ability and allows tutoring through digital screens combined with various instructional styles.

Apart from critically designing education based on drawings, models, sketches and other visual representation, schools could create an impactful impression through these audio-visual mediums that have an edge over the chalk and talk approach. Such Digiboard classroom is a hub of inquiry, discovery and collaboration of ideas.

For instance, DigiClass is one such technological tool that can simplify complex concepts through diagrams and illustrations provide better understanding and make learning more engaging and interesting. Students can view short video lessons at home before a class and can work on projects, engage in discussions and explore various other possibilities.

This converts traditional classroom into interactive learning centers. More schools in India are gradually/ must adapt techniques that are based on the cognitive learning approach.

The daily interaction that teachers have with children is most important and leaves a greater and lasting impact on the child and hence schooling should not be restricted to only formal education. Informal learning such as learning out of school should be recognized, valued and used appropriately.

Schools could focus on experiential learning or creative learning programs which are innovative, self-motivating, self-learning and which enable students to think and critically analyze situations.

Educational practices like ‘Do it yourself kits’ and ‘educational tours’ not only help students to simplify complex subjects but also empowers them to shape their viewpoint towards the world.

Teachers could plan activities which support learners as they move forward, not just academically but socially and emotionally. When educators ignore emotional and social development, it often leads to adults who are academically gifted but who struggle in their daily lives due to lack of self-esteem or social skills.

For holistic development of a child in addition to academics, schools must help students imbibe essential life skills. Skills like problem solving, reasoning, strategising, analysing etc. are skills that will come in handy in personal and professional aspect of a child's adult life.

Students should be encouraged to follow their passion and cultivate importance of life-long learning. It is this passion-driven and interest-based motivation which will help the child as they grow up.

The importance of sports in education is another aspect that cannot be ignored. The lack of adequate participation in sports among students not only affects their physical fitness but also hinders their overall development as individuals.

According to the 6th Annual Health and Fitness Survey, conducted by EduSports, a school sports and physical education company, the fitness standards among students across geographies and city types reveal some worrying data.

The study conducted in 2015 points out to the serious lack of healthy BMI, adequate lower and upper body strength and endurance capability among students.

Sports play a crucial role in educating young minds as it brings with it the ability to develop a sound mind, body and soul with increased self-confidence. It helps students to develop a strong mental balance and stay focused in their activities.

To provide holistic education, schools in India implement a structured sports program to improve the fitness standards in children.

Schooling should be an advancement of learners’ independence. Improving or enriching the experience of schooling may not require additional resources.

It requires change and innovative thinking. To improve and enrich the experience of schooling, there is a need for us to embrace newer technologies.

A shift of focus from the conventional mode of teaching that pays no premium to the holistic development of a child is imperative in creating meaningful learning experiences.

Designing curriculums that cater to the varying interest of students, creating a framework of assessment to address issues regarding students’ performance, building open channels of communication between students and parents are some ways in which we can transform the process of schooling.

It is also important to equip teachers through training to effectively incorporate technology into classrooms. Most importantly, we as a society must take higher levels of accountability as we are collectively responsible for student outcomes.

If all key stakeholders involved in the process of schooling continue to improve the delivery of education, we can be rest assured to see a better and brighter tomorrow.

By:Jaya Mani
(The author is Principal, Vista School, Gachibowli, Hyderabad)

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