Raw veggies are healthier

Raw veggies are healthier

Cooking most vegetables destroys its nutrients. This is why it’s best to eat your vegetables raw. Eat a salad with every meal, so that you’re filling yourself up with a lot of healthy goodness.

Cooking most vegetables destroys its nutrients. This is why it’s best to eat your vegetables raw. Eat a salad with every meal, so that you’re filling yourself up with a lot of healthy goodness.

Manage your vitamin B 12 – vitamin B 12 is one which is not present in many vegetarian foods. It is rather common for the Indian population to be deficit in this. B 12 plays a role in vitality, concentration, mood regulation and brain function.

Eat at least 2-3 fruits a day. Each fruit has its own health benefit. Ranging from vitamins to fibre, fruits have it all! They are light, yet supply energy over a long period of time.

Manage a healthy sleep cycle. The average adult requires about 7-8 hours of sleep per day. Your body is working at repairing itself during your sleep, so the correct asleep cycle will boost your concentration, energy and immunity as well. Every hour of sleep before 12 is equal to 2 hours after 12.

Green tea and Black tea is filled with antioxidants what boost your immunity and metabolism. It is a healthy alternative to those needing a caffeine kick every day.

When blood pressure goes down increase your intake of salt (rock salt) and not sugar.

Avoid leaving food overnight and eating it the next day, as it loses a lot of its nutrient value.

Freshly cooked food is the best. Reheating it also destroys nearly all the nutrients in food.

Go for regular health check-ups, including blood sugar, pap smear, cholesterol and breast cancer. A disease is best cured when detected at the earliest.

By:Naini Setalvad

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