When bread became a bane

When bread became a bane

The bread which has become synonymous with food in many cultures received a severe criticism after a recent survey pointed out that consuming bread may lead to serious health ailments like cancer. 

The bread which has become synonymous with food in many cultures received a severe criticism after a recent survey pointed out that consuming bread may lead to serious health ailments like cancer.

Not just the western society but also the Indian society was in trauma after learning the news as Indians have been relishing bread for a long time now. When Young Hans asked youth of Hyderabad about the issue they came out with mixed reactions.
BY: Heena Mishra and Sateesh Reddy

Most of us begin our day with bread. So to be told that our breakfast might just be causing cancer; sounds like a breach of trust. It's petrifying news! Add to this the fact that the report also mentions that these additives could be lurking in the ubiquitous Pavs, buns, pizza bread, etc.

So basically if you had bread for breakfast, Pav Bhaaji for lunch and a burger for dinner… there could be serious reason to worry. So, what should we do? These additives are already banned in multiple countries across the world, except India and USA, where they continue to be used freely, in spite of the negative studies damning them.

Better laws and stringent regulations are the answer for the problem. But till that happens, perhaps it's time to revisit the old rule; we should eat everything in moderation, especially if it is processed. Bread is at the centre of an alarming health alert.
BY: Gladis George, a Mass Communication graduate

I think bread is the last thing we need to be worried about. We have enough reasons for cancer anyway like passive smoking and pollution. Every kind of food is adulterated in some way. I don’t think this should be a cause of worry.
BY: Vidya Sivalenka, Radio Jockey

Now a day’s people are using bread on a regular basis. Doctors mostly suggest it as a primary meal when most of us are suffering from illness as it is easily digestible. I read about it in the news and have decided to stop eating it. I also informed all my relatives not to use bread. Cancer causing bread should be banned immediately.
BY: Nagendra Gondala, who works with Google.

In the present scenario people are addicted to fast-food due to their busy schedules. Mixing potassium bromate which is carcinogenic in nature in regular food items like biscuits, fast food and pizza chains has become common, despite of government issuing orders to ban the potassium bromate in the country. Government must take necessary actions to aware the people in villages.
BY: Ranjith Rao, Student, MSc Biochemistry.

It’s not just the bread; but also the flour which is being adulterated. Most of the readymade flours that are available in market are laced with potentially cancer-causing chemicals. Many people I know are being more careful now. I have already reduced my consumption. First it was maggie now it is bread. Government should come up with a stringent law to curb usage of such chemicals.
BY: Rasana Atreya, a book publisher.

It was coke then Maggie and now bread which is the staple food for majority of people. I am happy to know that Centre of Science and Environment (CSE) is taking necessary steps to check all the products in the country.

It would be great if they could investigate better about the products before issuing license. Harmful chemicals which are banned outsides India are being used in our food that causes cancer. I would not stop eating bread, but would reduce the consummation of bread in my daily life.
BY: Matin Louis Fernandes, a budding photographer

I have been eating bread since child-hood; I was shocked after hearing the news. Bread manufacturers are using some chemicals to bake bread, which cause cancer. I have quit eating bread after I was advised against it by my parents.

Previously my friends ate pizza and burgers regularly, but now they are not opting for them anymore. Central government should take the necessary actions to prevent the bread supply in the country.
BY: Ramesh P, Engineering Student.

Bread is a basic breakfast food consumed by 90 per cent of the world’s population. It’s made of healthy grains and has proven to be healthy and best food for kids as well as adults. But looks like not all kinds of bread are safe now. There have been recent articles on how bread has become harmful and consuming causes’ cancer.

Though it’s not completely proven right there are questions that point out its credibility. Well, looking at today’s food industry, there have been lots of unhealthy ingredient additions that are used to make food tastier. But brown bread and multi grain breads are way safer and healthier compared to the white milk breads and fruit breads.
BY: Mamta Choudhary, a third year B.Com student

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