Myths surrounding it

Myths surrounding it

An urban mother plays multiple roles and that causes stress in her life. The result of which is that lactation doesn’t begin in her body. Small nuclear families are no longer exposing young women to child bearing and lactating relation at home until in large point families.

An urban mother plays multiple roles and that causes stress in her life. The result of which is that lactation doesn’t begin in her body. Small nuclear families are no longer exposing young women to child bearing and lactating relation at home until in large point families.

On the other hand, myths around the concept make a mother hesitant towards breastfeeding. And no exposure to correct knowledge is creating a lot of fear around pregnancy and lactation. Parenting and mother craft are no longer an instinctual art, but have become a learnt craft.

Some of the myths around this topic are that colostrums should be discarded because it is stale and is not for the baby or that the newborn should be given honey, sugar water or jaggery water before the first breastfeed.

The most popular one is that mother’s milk is not enough for the baby’s growth and a malnourished mother produces lesser quantities of inferior quality milk.

We as doctors and society have to demystify this and teach this craft to all our younger generation. Here is to a supportive and nurturing society, supporting new moms and their babies in all ways possible.

Points to remember

  • Breast milk meets nurturing needs of your baby. It gives your baby’s kidneys, liver and intestines the best start.
  • Breastfeeding exclusively for six months helps develop a healthy immunity system for your baby.
  • Long-term breastfeeding is also linked to higher IQs and reduced risks of cancer.
  • Breastfeeding gets the mother in shape, allows her to lose weight in a healthy natural manner.
  • Breast milk changes and evolves over the months as per the needs of the baby.
  • Breastfeeding makes the baby feel secure and strengthens the emotional bond of the mother and baby.
  • Breastfeeding promotes a deeper sleep, which enables both mother and child to feel rested in a shorter amount of time.
  • Breast milk is easily digested.

By: Dr YK Swapna

(The writer is General Secretory, ISOPARB, Hyderabad Chapter and has been educating society on ‘Basic & Advanced Laparoscopic & Hysteroscopic’ procedures at Swapna Health Care.)​

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