How to launch a business everyone thinks you shouldn’t

How to launch a business everyone thinks you shouldn’t

If you actually look up \"orgasmic\" in the dictionary, the definition is \"very enjoyable or exciting.\" And that fits my business, which helps people transition out of their day jobs to create lives and businesses they are truly excited to wake up to.

Have you ever had a business idea everyone thought was a bad one? Where friends, family and everyone around you said, “Don't do it”?

If you actually look up "orgasmic" in the dictionary, the definition is "very enjoyable or exciting." And that fits my business, which helps people transition out of their day jobs to create lives and businesses they are truly excited to wake up to.

Over and over, however, my friends, family and colleagues told me the tagline was too risky. They said people would think I was a sex coach. I chose not to listen to them. When everyone else thought the tagline was a bad idea, I chose to listen to my inner voice instead. Here’s how (and why) you can do the same with your idea.

Remember that passion is not a detail
I wanted to share my passion with the world, and to do that, my tagline needed to reflect my true personality. After all, if I felt the need to hide my true self, how could I coach others to live their truth?

Gay Hendricks, in his book The Big Leap, refers to people's zone of genius. The zone of genius is that thing you can do all day long and love so much that you would do it even if you didn't get paid.

That’s what coaching is for me. I want to guide as many people as possible to find their area of genius. That’s my passion, and when I started my business, that passion needed to be front and center.

Passion, after all, is the foundation for launching a successful business when everyone thinks you shouldn’t. Don’t let that spark become a detail. Let it shine, brightly.

March to the beat of your own drum
There are a gazillion businesses out there. You need to differentiate yourself, to highlight what makes you and your business special.

The only way to truly differentiate yourself, though, is to infuse your values, purpose and truth into all aspects of your business. My three core values are "real," "brave" and "fun." I felt that my tagline truly expressed them.

The only true difference in your business and marketing is you. So, march to the beat of your own drum.

Be brave. Bring your difference, your brilliance, out in your marketing. As the great actress Meryl Streep once said, “What makes you different or weird -- that is your strength.”

If others tell you it’s too risky, too "out there," too weird? Remember,that is actually your greatest advantage.

Be a 'beacon of light'
Once you are clear on your passion and who you are, and you’ve aligned your marketing that way, you need to be a constant beacon of light. Meaning: You must continuously shine your light, your message, from your heart. That's how people will know what you do, where you are and how to reach you.

My tagline was my beacon of light. It shone the truth of who I am and what I do. So, do the same: Let your initial idea speak to you. If you consistently shine it through your branding and marketing, it will speak to others as well, and draw them to you and to your business.


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