Girl files police complaint against parents

Girl files police complaint against parents

After informing Anudeep about this, Shruti escaped from house and sought Warangal police help. Cops spoke with the father personally, but he managed to take his daughter from police station to his house.   She managed to escape from house arrest and went to Anudeep’s sister’s house in Karimnagar. 

Karimnagar: In a bizarre incident, parents of a girl allegedly kidnapped their daughter’s boyfriend and his mother in Hyderabad. According to police, Shruti, daughter of Sudhir Srinivas, Director of Gayatri Science Educational Groups, Warangal, is working as a software engineer in Hyderabad. She and her colleague Anudeep Varma, who also belongs to Warangal, became friends and later their friendship turned into love. Shruti’s father tried to change his daughter’s mind and allegedly got Anudeep beaten up badly by some goons six months ago. He kept a vigil on his daughter and trying to get her married to another person.

After informing Anudeep about this, Shruti escaped from house and sought Warangal police help. Cops spoke with the father personally, but he managed to take his daughter from police station to his house. She managed to escape from house arrest and went to Anudeep’s sister’s house in Karimnagar.

Meanwhile, Anudeep and his mother, who live in Hyderabad, were reportedly kidnapped by the girl’s parents on Monday.Failed to get into contact with Anudeep, Shruti lodged a complaint with Karimnagar police stating that her family members kidnapped Anudeep and his mother. The cops released the victims and shifted the case to Matwada police in Warangal district. The police conducted counselling sessions for members of both the families.

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