Nirmal boy weds American girl

Nirmal boy weds American girl

A local software engineer, Sunny Nihar, who has been working in London for the last eight years, married his colleague Mariana, an American who hails from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. here on Thursday. 

​Nirmal: A local software engineer, Sunny Nihar, who has been working in London for the last eight years, married his colleague Mariana, an American who hails from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. here on Thursday.

Since both are Christians, it was a traditional Christian event, witnessed by many residents of the town. The couple attracted wide attention of the guests, who offered their blessings.

Sunny Nihar and Mariana have been in love for some time. The American liked the Indian and they decided to get married. Mariana, who was particular about getting the wedding performed in Nihar’s native place, told The Hans India that she has immense regard for Indians and their traditions.

At the marriage reception, the bride wore a sari like a typical Indian and greeted the guests with folded hands (‘namaste’).

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