The success mantra of a successful women

The success mantra of a successful women

Wellness habits of a successful woman. Wellness is like a marriage; you can’t cheat on it and expect it to work.

Wellness is like a marriage; you can’t cheat on it and expect it to work.

Drinks enough water
A smart woman knows that it is important to keep drinking water. Water is the most powerful drink as it is filled with nutrients and instantly refreshes you. Drinking a minimum of 2 litres of water or 8 glasses is something she should aim to do to have a fresh face, healthy hair and keep your body hydrated.

Is organised
A successful woman knows the importance of organisation, especially in her food life. Planning her meals in advance helps her plan her shopping trips. Bad eating habits arise from a lack of forethought. Therefore it is necessary to know what her next meal is going to be. Ensure you have all the ingredients on hand and do not require any additions. This will keep her energy at optimum levels and prevent binge eating.

To triumph in meal planning’s an intelligent woman knows how to cook and keep a hygienic kitchen. Whether she cooks regularly or not, knowing how to cook and maintain cleanliness are smart life skills to have and if she knows the nutritive value then it’s even smarter. Automatically she knows how to choose, what to order, and what to instruct whether she is at home or outside for a meal thus easily maintaining good health. She knows how to plan a balance meal, which contains carbohydrate, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals for her and her family.

Eats real
She is conscious to consume only those fruits, vegetables and grains that are fresh, local, seasonal and organic. She eats real foods at regular intervals so that her energy levels don’t fall. Herbs and spices are part of her food life like coriander, ginger, turmeric as they are her natural pill box aiding in digestion and healing her body. She is sharp enough to avoid white flour, white sugar, fried food, aerated drinks, soft drinks and alcohol which are foods that harm.

Knows her body
The clever woman knows when to rest and when to be up and about. She makes sure she doesn’t overeat and eats till she is satiated. She does regular exercise, takes regular health checkups and eats smart so as to maintain optimum health and weight.

Lets go off stress
A bright woman knows that to hold on leads to stress and stress is a real killer. She knows how to identify her stress triggers. She rethinks and lets go thus eliminating cortisol “the stress hormone”. She takes a deep breath reaches out for Tulsi leaves chew them, sips on chamomile herbal infusion, thus stopping the cortisol levels from spiraling out of control. Removes food that create stress especially sugar aerated drinks excess caffeine.

Moves her body
She is constantly on the move at home or work. Frequently getting up and doing her chores taking time out to exercise she knows either move your body or lose your body.

Sleeps well
She knows the importance of a good night’s sleep for peak performance automatically cutting out sugar and caffeine especially post-4 pm. She realises to eat early and light keeping a gap of minimum 2 hours after food and before she tucks herself in. She chooses foods which are easy to digest with low glycemic index levels thus preventing a sugar dip first thing in the morning.

Emotionally stable
Women are naturally more emotive whether they are happy, angry or sad, they let it out. Smart women know that food is not the tool whether your blood boils or when you are over the moon or down in dumps. They know that smart food choices will keep them more emotionally stable. Thus their plate is filled with plenty of vegetables fresh produce good quality fat and proteins and grains which are organic.

You are what you eat and your food choices can change prevent retard reverse diseases and improve performance and is your key to success.

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