Summers are Great too!

Summers are Great too!

A wise man once proclaimed ‘The beauty of the summer is it’s heat. The beauty of the winter is the cold. The only problem is we wish it to be cold in the summer and warm in the winters!’

A wise man once proclaimed ‘The beauty of the summer is it’s heat. The beauty of the winter is the cold. The only problem is we wish it to be cold in the summer and warm in the winters!’

Summers are full of goodness for how can Mother Nature go wrong! She ensures that everything is perfect for us.

So in summers she serves us watermelons, grapes, oranges, figs, guavas and not to forget the delicious mangoes! Cucumbers, bottle-gourds, ridge-gourds, pumpkins, amaranth leaves and more come from the vegetable kingdom.

The sun is brighter most of the day, so that lethargy doesn’t seep in. Beaches for swimming and coconut water for cooling.

Get summer-wise healthy with some tips…

  • Make cool Green Smoothies! – Yes freezing the fruits enhances the tastes of your smoothies to a large extent. You will also be energised!
  • Eat what’s in season – And the real best way of knowing is by buying organic produce as you will only get what’s in season and without the dash of pesticides too!
  • Gardening – Whether you have a green thumb or not, start planting indoors or outdoors. Working with soil is a great way to reconnect with Nature.
  • Swimming – Basically exercise to feel great and burn the fat away!
  • Learn something new – Take up a course, join a club or even get into a hobby. Works great for your mental make-up too!
  • Spend quality time with the family – Yes thats great for health too!
  • Sleep well – If you are active, hydrated and busy throughout the day, you will automatically sleep real well.
  • Drink when thirsty – Your body will tell you when you need water…simply listen!
  • Avoid sun-screens – These are simply chemicals which do more harm, than good. Dress sensibly in cottons, wear summer hats when outdoors, or simply stand under the shade of a tree wherever possible.
  • Get into declutter mode – Cleaning our environment of non-essentials works great for our mental health.
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