Be Aware

Be Aware

By ignoring a few important symptoms, men may actually beinviting trouble in a big way. Physical signs and symptoms are ways our body tries to alert us to deeper imbalances. A person should try to understand these signs and go for regular doctor consultation to control the onset of lifestyle diseases  

By ignoring a few important symptoms, men may actually beinviting trouble in a big way. Physical signs and symptoms are ways our body tries to alert us to deeper imbalances. A person should try to understand these signs and go for regular doctor consultation to control the onset of lifestyle diseases

In today's busy era of maintaining ahealthy work-life balance, it has been observed that men are less conscious about their health and fitness as compared to women.

The mounting pressure of highly stressful lifestyle, cholesterolfueled with junk food and well paired with little to no exercise, men are more prone to lifestyle disorders. Unmitigated abuse of health leads to complication in heart, liver, kidney, lungs and other parts of the body.

There is little to no symptoms of these diseases, something that seems like a minor problem might be a warning sign of a bigger health issue. Due to the rampant increase in the number of people falling prey to lifestyle diseases, it’s time to listen to your body!

Some signs which men should look out for various reasons:

Pilonidal Sinus: It is a small cyst or abscess that occurs in the cleft at the top of the buttocks. It mostly affects men and is also common in young adults. Common signs of infection arepain when sitting or standing, swelling of the cyst, reddening of the skin, the skin getting sore around the area, puss or blood draining from the abscess, hair protruding from the lesion.

Preventive Step: To maintain hygiene, keeping the area dry and clean as well as avoiding long sitting hours.

Thyroid: Sore muscles, trouble with concentration and easy tiringare the most common symptoms in men for thyroid. Afew men also trouble to have erections.

Preventive Step: Indulge in keeping your body happy and fit. So opt for an easy workout, go on vacations, meditate or pursue a hobby such as listening to music or dancing. While your body revitalises, it’s important to have a healthy mind too!

Sleep Apnea: Men are twice at developing sleep apnea than women. Severe and loud snoring, waking up gasping for air, feeling sleepy during the day and headaches are common symptoms.

Preventive Step: Try and burn the extra fat and reduce weight. Bring your body mass index to a healthy level; this can be done by bringing about simple changes to your daily diet. Consult a doctor for further interventions.

Testicular Cancer: Dull ache in the lower abdomen or groin, lower back pain, shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling of the legsare uncommon symptoms for testicular cancer. Painless lump and swelling on either side of the testicles.

Preventive Step: Examine the testicles at regular intervals so one can spot anything unusual, such as a change in size, weight or texture.

Colorectal Cancer: Colorectal cancer is more likely to appear in men. The consumption of diets low in fibere, alcohol and tobacco use is higher amongst men. Constant abdominal pain, fatigue, blood in stool, change in bowel habits, diarrhea, and unintended weight loss are symptoms to look for.

Preventive Step: Reduce the intake of high fatty diet and smoking. Visit a doctor and invest in early screening.

Heart Attacks: Fullness in the chest, chest pain in the middle of left side of the heart for more than a few minutes, shortness of breath and cold sweats are warning signs of heart attacks.

Preventive Step: High blood pressure increases heart attack risk. Try and maintain BP levels. Stress management, a healthy diet, and regular exercise can help you manage your blood pressure.

By: Amol Naikawadi
The writer is a Preventive Healthcare Specialist at Indus Health Plus.

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