Ultraviolet light may be key to finding alien life: Study

Ultraviolet light may be key to finding alien life: Study

Ultraviolet light may have played a critical role in the emergence of life on Earth and could be a key to finding life elsewhere in the universe, a study led by an Indian-origin scientist at Harvard suggests. The study found that red dwarf stars might not emit enough ultraviolet (UV) light to kick-start the biological processes most familiar to our planet.

Boston : Ultraviolet light may have played a critical role in the emergence of life on Earth and could be a key to finding life elsewhere in the universe, a study led by an Indian-origin scientist at Harvard suggests. The study found that red dwarf stars might not emit enough ultraviolet (UV) light to kick-start the biological processes most familiar to our planet.

Researchers focused on red dwarf stars, which are smaller and less massive than the Sun, and the planets that orbit them. Recently, several planetary systems with potential habitable zones, where liquid water could exist, have been discovered around red dwarfs including Proxima Centauri, TRAPPIST-1, and LHS 1140.

Using computer models and the known properties of red dwarfs, the researchers estimate that the surface of rocky planets in the potentially habitable zones around red dwarfs would experience 100 to 1,000 times less of the UV light that may be important to the emergence of life than the young Earth would have.

Chemistry that depends on UV light might shut down at such low levels, and even if it does proceed, it could operate at a much slower rate than on the young Earth, possibly delaying the advent of life. "It may be a matter of finding the sweet spot," said Robin Wordsworth of the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Previous studies have shown that the red dwarf stars in systems such as TRAPPIST-1 may erupt with dramatic flares in UV. If the flares deliver too much energy, they might severely damage the atmosphere and harm life on surrounding planets. On the other hand, these UV flares may provide enough energy to compensate for the lower levels of UV light steadily produced by the star, researchers said.

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