Colourful food can cause cancer

Colourful food  can cause cancer

Colourful food can cause cancer, Dr Ch Mohan Vamsy, Food habits, cancer. With age, one gets more vulnerable to cancer. While the growth of cancer is slow in old age, it spreads quickly spread in younger age. Therefore the treatment may vary depending upon the age.

Those yummy looking puffs, fries, burgers and pizzas could be waiting to play havoc with your health

Although the definite reason is not known for the birth of cancer cell, our food habits, our occupation, pollution and infections around us, overweight, excessive use of hormones, old age and other such factors can directly or indirectly may be the reasons.

With age, one gets more vulnerable to cancer. While the growth of cancer is slow in old age, it spreads quickly spread in younger age. Therefore the treatment may vary depending upon the age.

Any living cell, be it animals, plants or human beings may become vulnerable to cancer. DNA mutation takes place in that cell and grows indiscriminately and the condition is known as cancer. Genetics also may contribute for this. Therefore, while some people in some kinds of trades will be affected by cancer, some others will not be affected at all. People working in asbestos company, aluminum production company, alcoholic beverages, tobacco production companies, radium productions, radio nucleolus, wood powder and places where gamma radiation is in excess are more likely to be affected by either lung or neck cancers.

In modern lifestyle, stale food, preservatives, repeat use of edible oils, disinfectants, stressful night shifts, polluted atmosphere, emissions from vehicles, tobacco products, alcohol, overweight due to sedentary lifestyle, coloured food are all cancer causative elements. Those who work under harsh electric lights in night and in stuffy air-conditioned rooms without sleep are more prone to cancer owing to decreased immunity caused due to lower production of melatonin. Vulnerability to cancer increases due to frequent infections because of HPV, some kinds of Human Papiloma viruses, helicobactor pilori ( H-Pylori ), Hepatitis B&C viruses, HIV virus, (Epstein Bar Virus). They are called oncoviruses.

Ultra violet rays (UV radiation) UVA, UVB ,UVC rays are intense and more in severe heat, between 11 am to 3 pm and severe heat in cold countries. Because of this, skin cancer occurs more in light skinned people, especially in countries like the US and Britain than in India. The problem of liver cirrhosis (liver turning hard ) which leads to cancers is more because of Hepatitis B virus infection and poor awareness about vaccine.

Infertile couples who use fertility medicines for a prolonged time, especially women using estrogen–progesterone combination medicines , are more prone to breast and uterine cancers. Recurrence of cancer increases when people are exposed to radiation near nuclear power plants. Same is the case when they undergo chemo or radio therapies in higher dose at a younger age.

Consumption of deep fried food, food with excessive food colouring, pizzas, burgers added with fat also cause cancer.

Different cosmetic products used for pet animals, chemicals used to make animals more colorful, to ripen vegetables and fruits are all contributing factors.


Take vaccines to prevent HIV, HEP B virus.

Wash fruits and vegetables with salt water.

Undergo screening to know about breast cancer well in advance.

Undergo pap smear check up to know about uterus cancer in advance.

Men over 50 years must undergo Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) to avoid prostate cancer in advance.

Stop smoking and alcohol.

(The doctor is MS (Gen), DNB (Surg), Mch (Surg Onco), FRCS, Chief Surgical Oncologist. [email protected] 9848011421)

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