Well begun is half done

Well begun is half done

Every single person I speak to tells me that the hardest part of any desired change, be it weight loss, a career move or even just tidying out the wardrobe is \"getting started!\"

Every single person I speak to tells me that the hardest part of any desired change, be it weight loss, a career move or even just tidying out the wardrobe is "getting started!"

Why has the simple act of getting started on a diet become so mystical, so difficult and so elusive? Is it because we have made it larger than life? We have put so much emphasis on this process that it begins to intimidate us. We have ourselves so psyched out about getting started that it begins to control us. That just isn't right, and it's high time we changed our perceptions.
How to do this is the million-dollar question. To best help you get started on your weight loss journey, I am going to have you flip your thinking
How to start a diet and learn to love it
First of all, you've got to have faith. You must believe that you have the ability to change and that the lifestyle you dream of is within your reach. Most importantly, you must have faith that you can happily live in a healthy manner for the rest of your life.
When you start to have faith in yourself and your abilities, you develop the belief that a healthier life is yours for the taking. Then you start to empower yourself to take action. Healthy action! Making that simple leap of faith will start to change how you view every action that you take.
No longer will there be a monumental moment of "getting started." Rather, a gradual, self-empowering synergy that will be created. This synergy will make you start to look at unhealthy actions as DELAYING your efforts, HINDERING your progress and ROBBING you of better health!
There will never be a moment when you feel you must get started. Rather, there will be a series of moments when you realise you must "get stopping." Stopping yourself from eating chips or chocolate, because you KNOW that they are not healthy and will not further your progress on the path to your goal! Stopping yourself from leading a sedentary lifestyle that burns little energy and allowing yourself to get moving and create energy in your life. Stopping negative thoughts from entering your mind, realising that positive thoughts are more productive!
So, I challenge you to realise that rather than getting started, it is so much more useful to get stopping! When an unhealthy action starts to take over, don’t think about getting started on your weight loss – get busy stopping yourself!
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